- little mallow stem and leaf 菟葵
- Stem and leaf blade densely lanose. 茎和叶片浓密的绵状毛。
- Stem and leaf of Stellera chamaejasme L. 狼毒茎叶
- Study on volatile oil in the stem and leaf of S. Pubecens Makino. 腺梗豨莶茎叶挥发油成分的研究。
- Stem and leaves puberulent when young. 茎和叶幼时被微柔毛的。
- Stem and leaf are used for the treatment of stomachic,jaundice and antiscolic. 种子为利尿药,健胃止泻的功能。用于治肾炎,又用于泻下。根用于痢疾。
- Let's pick the berries over for stems and leaves. 让我们来检查一下浆果,把梗和叶子拣掉。
- Stems and leaves finely strigose. Bracts caudate. 茎和叶具细糙伏毛。苞片尾状。
- With the increase of colony density, the angle between stem and leaf and angle index have decreased trend. 其影响表现为随着群体密度增大,茎叶夹角和角度指数有减小的趋势。
- There is a great quantity of aerenchyma and secretory canals distributed in root, stem and leaf. 根、茎、叶中均有发达的通气组织和分泌道分布。
- The salty gland of Messerschmidia sibirica is developed from epidermic cell of stem and leaf. 叶的上下表皮细胞各一层,栅栏组织与海绵组织分化明显。
- Chemical components of the essential oil in stem and leaf of Gynura bicolor DC from Guizhou Province were studied. 研究贵州产紫背天葵的茎叶中挥发油化学成分。
- The salt gland grows on inter celluar canal of outer tangential wall of stem and leaf epidermis of salsus G.soja. 盐腺圆球型 ,基部有一个小柄 ,着生在盐生野生大豆茎、叶表皮外切和壁的胞间层处。
- Shoes made of cattail stems and leaves were popular. 当时出现了和时装配套的“时装鞋”。
- High frequency somatic embryogenesis was directly obtained from stem and leaf explants of cotton abnormal seedling. 用异常苗的茎段和叶片进行培养,可快速高效诱导获得棉花体细胞胚胎发生。
- Result:The microscopic characteristics of rhizome,stem and leaf of Dioscorea nipponica were distinguished. 结果:明确了穿龙薯蓣的根茎、茎和叶的显微特征。
- Objective To study the chemical constituents from the stem and leaf of Fritillaria hupehensis. 目的研究湖北贝母茎叶部分非生物碱部位的化学成分。
- The promotion effect of the mycorrhizal inoculation on the N content of root、stem and leaf was disappear. 适量施肥有利于菌根接种苗叶中脯氨酸含量与可溶性糖含量增加,提高苗木抗旱性。
- The stem and leaf structures and the content of total gypenosides of 5 species of Gynostemma were studied. 对绞股蓝属的绞股蓝、长梗绞股蓝、光叶绞股蓝、广西绞股蓝、五柱绞股蓝5种植物的茎叶结构和总皂苷含量进行了研究。
- Hawthorn stem and leaf decoction of Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus anthracis is also a disincentive. 山楂茎、叶煎剂对金黄色葡萄球菌和炭疽杆菌也有抑制作用。