- Influence of Western Romantic Literary Ideological Trend on Chinese Romanticism Literature 西方浪漫主义文学思潮对中国浪漫主义文学的影响
- literary ideological trend 文学思潮
- As an ideological trend, the feminism broadens the space of literary writing and the horizon of literature criticism. 作为文学思潮的女性主义,则拓宽了文学创作的空间和文学批评的视野。
- They hold high " it is art but art" flag and raise whiffs of aestheticism literature ideological trend at the Chinese modem literary world. 这些作家高举“为艺术而艺术”的旗帜,在中国现代文坛掀起了一股唯美主义文学思潮。
- Because there was an ideological trend in favour of liberalization. 因为有一股自由化思潮。
- Section one and section two explain the close relation of homegate-centred literary creation, literature ideological trend and literary schools in terms of concrete literature case. 两节分别从具体的文学个案,阐明以师门为中心的文学创作与文学思潮、文学流派之间具有十分紧密的关系。
- We have already coped with the recent widespread ideological trend in favour of bourgeois liberalization and made some changes of personnel. 我们已经解决了最近发生的资产阶级自由化思潮泛滥的问题,并且作了人事调整。
- Why did we do this? Because there was an ideological trend in favour of liberalization. 为什么做这件事?因为有一股自由化思潮。
- Since the downfall of the Gang of Four an ideological trend has appeared that we call bourgeois liberalization. 中国在粉碎“四人帮”以后出现一种思潮,叫资产阶级自由化
- The Christian Humanism, as a part of New-Thomism, is a kind of current ideological trend in the western society. 基督教人道主义是现当代西方社会较为流行的社会思潮之一,也是新托马斯主义的重要组成部分。
- In the ideological trend of anti-Marxism, Jameson unflinchingly revives and develops Marxism. 在后现代主义的一片反马克思主义思潮中,詹姆逊旗帜鲜明地复兴并发展马克思主义。
- "The modernization is stupid certainly is not ignorant, but is to eachkind of ideological trend accepting uncritically. “现代化的愚蠢并不是无知,而是对各种思潮的生吞活剥。”
- Abstract: Consumption ideological trend engulfs the entire world at present age. 当今时代,消费主义呈现席卷全球之势。
- Owing to the resultant force of various factors, Balzac gradually formed his realistic literary ideology. 种种因素的合力,使巴尔扎克逐渐形成了现实主义文艺思想。
- The government had to be on the watch for any ideological trend towards bourgeois liberalization. 政府不得不提防任何资产阶级自由化的思想趋势。
- The paper also analyzes Marcuse's misreading of Marxist theories on literary ideology. 本文对马尔库塞在马克思主义文学的意识形态理论上的误解也作了分析。
- At first populism is an ideological trend of petty bourgeoisie of a kind of peasant appearing in Russia. 民粹主义是最初出现在俄国的一种农民小资产阶级思潮。
- "Modernist Literature" is a phenomenon explained in the literary ideology of "exploration", "disjuncture", and "multiplicity" of the 1980s. 摘要“现代派文学”是一种在20世纪80年代“探索”、“断裂”、“多元”的文学意识形态中被解释的现象。
- The anarchism is one kind of political ideological trend of the petty bourgeoisie which came into being in Europe. 无政府主义是一种产生于欧洲的小资产阶级政治思潮。
- To break the imagination of the romantic literary ideology for the aim of changing the form of the society is the basic aim of Terry Eagleton's literary ideal. 打破文学的自律性幻想,引入文化研究的思想,进而在深层次上突破资本主义社会的意识形态观念是伊格尔顿文学观的现实指向。