- This is a literary and artistic work loved by the masses. 这是一部为群众所喜闻乐见的文艺作品。
- We should do the same in our present discussion of literary and artistic work. 我们现在讨论文艺工作,也应该这样做。
- For comrades engaged in literary and artistic work in the anti-Japanese base areas it might seem that this problem is already solved and needs no further discussion. 在我们各个抗日根据地从事文学艺术工作的同志中,这个问题似乎是已经解决了,不需要再讲的了。
- Copyright is a legal term describing rights given to creators for their literary and artistic works. 版权是指描述给予文学和艺术作品创造者的权利的法律术语。
- Literary and artistic works have always laid equal stress on the bright and the dark,half and half. 从来的文艺作品都是写光明和黑暗并重,一半对一半。
- I am familiar with his work and look forward to hearing his views on Literary and artistic creation. 我熟悉他的作品,并期待他能就文艺创作问题发表自己的见解。
- This is precisely why there can be complete unity between the political character of our literary and artistic works and their truthfulness. 正因为这样,我们的文艺的政治性和真实性才能够完全一致。
- Literary and artistic works of artistic value that contain erotic contents are not regarded as obscene materials. 包含有色情内容的有艺术价值的文学、艺术作品不视为淫秽物品
- The Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works is finalised. 1886年的今天,伯尔尼文学与艺术作品保护公约正式成文。
- To improve our external propaganda work,introducing to the international community,overseas Chinese and people in the great rear area our actual military life through literary and artistic works,reportage,news releases,photographs and paintings. 大大地加强对外宣传工作。要通过文艺作品、报告文学、新闻通讯、摄影、绘画等,把我们真实的战斗生活反映到国际上去,流传到华侨中去,传播到大后方去。
- In general this was the philosophy underlying the Berne Convention for the protection of literary and artistic Works(1886). 在总体上,这也是伯尔尼文学和艺术作品保护公约(1886)的主导思想。
- Such a heroic narrative Hollywood film in the United States and the Chinese communist revolution theme of literary and artistic works which are very common. 这样的英雄主义叙事在美国好来坞电影和中国共产主义革命主题的文艺作品中十分常见。
- Intellectual property refers to creations of the mind: inventions, literary and artistic works, and symbols, names, images, and designs used in commerce. 知识产权系指智力创造:发明、文学和艺术作品、和商业中使用的标志、名称、图像以及外观设计。
- According to the WIPO (the World Intellectual Property organization),intellectual property refers to creations of the mind: inventions,literary and artistic works,and symbols,names,images,and designs used in commerce. 根据世界知识产权组织,知识产权指的是智力创造,包括:用于商业用途的发明、文学和艺术作品、标志、名称、形象和设计。
- In fact,the literary and artistic works of the past are not a source but a stream; they were created by our predecessors and the foreigners out of the literary and artistic raw materials they found in the life of the people of their time and place. 实际上,过去的文艺作品不是源而是流,是古人和外国人根据他们彼时彼地所得到的人民生活中的文学艺术原料创造出来的东西。
- They have created a number of literary and artistic works and programs which have a strong national flavor and reflect the features of our age,and some of their works have won international prizes. 他们创作了一批具有浓郁民族风格和强烈时代气息的文艺作品和节目,有些作品还在国际上获奖。
- In 1989, China became a member of the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks and in 1992, China became a member of the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works. 1989年,中国成为《商标国际注册马德里协定》成员国; 1992年,中国成为《保护文学艺术作品伯尔尼公约》成员国。
- They have created a number of literary and artistic works and programs which have a strong national flavor and reflect the features of our age, and some of their works have won international prizes. 他们创作了一批具有浓郁民族风格和强烈时代气息的文艺作品和节目,有些作品还在国际上获奖。
- In fact, the literary and artistic works of the past are not a source but a stream; they were created by our predecessors and the foreigners out of the literary and artistic raw materials they found in the life of the people of their time and place. 实际上,过去的文艺作品不是源而是流,是古人和外国人根据他们彼时彼地所得到的人民生活中的文学艺术原料创造出来的东西。
- In setting up the system of authorship protection of folk literary and artistic works, the protection range should not be too broad like "Bangui Agreement", not too narrow owing to their languages. 我国对民间文学艺术作品著作权保护进行制度设计时,划定的保护范围,既不能像《班吉协定》那样过于宽泛,也不应当仅限于语言形式的民间文学而使之过于狭窄;