- 吴中风雅 The Cultured Atmosphere in Wu Area
- 时髦女人风雅的或时髦的女人 A chic or fashionable woman.
- 精于格律的风雅词论略 Elegant Ci-Skilled in Rules and Forms
- 温哥华风雅颂艺术集团 Feng Ya Song Art Group
- 有失风雅的姿势﹑ 答覆. an inelegant gesture, reply
- 粗俗地冒犯礼仪、道德或风雅的行为 an act grossly offensive to decency,morality,or good taste
- 风格随时在变,而风雅是永恒的。 Styles come and go, but good taste is timeless.
- 论南宋乐风分化与词风雅化之关系 Relation Between Polarization of Music Style in the Southern Song Dynasty and Polite Style of Poetry in Ci Form
- 讲法语和弹钢琴是社交界的两大风雅。 Speaking French and playing the piano are social graces.
- 论邺下文学集团的形成及其带来的军中风雅 Study on the Forming of the Literature Group of Ye'xia and the Literary Pursuits Brought by Them in the Army
- 古老世界的风雅与服务,当代世界的舒适与方便。 old-world amBiance and service comBined with new-world comfort and convenience.
- “但是风雅的事又怎么能够同卫道的精神并存不悖呢?” Yet how can you reconcile this "refinement" with the defence of "Confucian Morals"?
- 在那里我们可以看到艺术的巨作,高度文明社会的风雅。 There were to be seen the masterpieces of art, the refinement of highly-cultivated society.
- 那真是个好地方,居民都是高尚人家,有教养,又风雅。 It's really a fine place, and nice people in it, cultured, refined.
- 米德尔顿一家以既殷勤好客,又优美风雅的方式生活着。 The Middletons lived in a style of equal hospitality and elegance.
- 名茶的清香与人生的况味一起,在这座凭湖的风雅茶楼里迂回婉转。 The light fragrant smell of a famous tea tangles with people's experience to rush around in this elegant lakeside teahouse.
- 当你不刻意充风雅的时候,我倒挺喜欢你得体的举止和有分寸的谈吐。 I like your nice manners and refined ways of speaking, when you don't try to be elegant.
- 是一台艺术化的、心悦目、人振奋的《潮风雅韵》全新型杂技魔术晚会。 Its performance is a brand-new soiree acrobatics named Chao Feng Ya Yun, which is artistic, pleasant and exciting.
- 此女举止极不得体,傲慢无礼且不善辞令,既不风雅也无品位,谈不上美丽。 Her manners were pronounced to be very bad indeed, a mixture of pride and impertinence; she had no conversation, no style, no taste, no beauty.
- 她们坐上那辆豪华的封闭马车隆隆而去时,觉得真是欣喜若狂,风雅之至。 They rolled away in the luxurious close carriage, feeling very festive and elegant.