- I went through the items on the list one by one. 我逐条看了清单上的条目。
- Howmuch of the competition s share is vulnerable? 竞争对手的市场份额有多少是可以被抢占过来的?
- Could you add me to your MSN list one day by any chance~? 我会用我的真诚打动你的哟~请不要怀疑...5年?
- ANA's shares are listed on the London Stock Exchange. ANA股票在伦敦股票交易所挂牌上市。
- Don' t be so selfish it' s share and share alike in this house. 别这麽自私--在这所房子里要事事均分.
- Let' s share in our troubles as well as in our joys. 让我们同甘共苦吧。
- Italian oil and gas company ENI's share price growth of 5.5%. 意大利石油和天然气公司ENI的股价增长5.;5%25。
- As a result, General Electric and CIT's shares were up 7.6% and 36%. 受此影响,通用电气和CIT的股价分别上涨了7.6%25和36%25。
- Having players in your squad who list one another as favoured personnel will generally benefit the team. 拥有一个作为被俱乐部多欣赏的球员可以给你的球队带来很大的好处。
- Here's the important part: Next to each entry, list one or more options for overcoming that challenge. 以下是最重要的部分:每条下面,列出一个或多个克服这一挑战的方法。
- The eBay listing interface is great for listing one item at a time. eBay列表接口对于一次只为一个商品建立列表很好用。
- At that time, strange Hu Gang rolls out a product, list one piece includes 121 software namely inside scampish software list. 当时,奇虎刚一推出产品,即列出一张包括121款软件在内的流氓软件名单。
- NASDAQ's share of trading in NYSE-listed stocks has risen to over 15%. 纳斯达克交易的股票中,在纽交所上市的上升到了15%25以上。
- It is seen as a temporary partner and Citigroup is thought to have the first right of repurchase for IBM's shares. 有人认为,它只不过是花旗的临时性合作伙伴,花旗有权优先重购IBM股份。
- But since word spread about the health-care deal, GM's shares are up 25%, including a 9.4% jump yesterday. 不过自从医疗协议谈判的消息传出以后,通用汽车的股价飙升了25%25,其中周三就上涨了9.;4%25。
- J., Honeywell’s shares are traded on the New York, London and Chicago Stock Exchanges. 提高产品安全性和工厂安全性是霍尼韦尔的主要动力。
- Bubble would like to network president Lee told reporters, CEM's shares, investors also do not have any withdrawal. 泡泡网总裁李想告诉记者,澳电此次入股后,还没有任何投资方退出。
- Most of the factors they listed one or two centuries ago are still important today. 他们在一两个世纪以前所列出的因素中,大多数至今仍是很重要的。
- But the sports-car firm buckled under the debts it acquired along with 51% of VW's shares and options to buy yet more. 但该跑车厂商在获得大众51%25股权和购买更多股份的选择权的时候也背上了沉重的债务负担。