- lime treated expansive soils 石灰改良
- The experimental study indicates mixing with lime improved this kind of expansive soil is of high quality. 试验研究表明,掺合石灰的方法对该类膨胀土的改良效果较好。
- Experimental researches are comprised of inside experiments and field tests on improved expansive soil with lime(IESL) in test section of the new Hankou airfield. 空军汉口新机场试验路段石灰改性膨胀土(简称灰土)试验研究包括室内和现场试验研究。
- CHEN Shan-xiong,KONG Ling-wei,GUO Ai-guo.Experimental research on engineering properties of expansive soil and lime stabilized soil[J].Rock and Soil Mechanics,2002,23(Supp.):9-12. [6]陈善雄;孔令伟;郭爱国.;膨胀土工程特性及其石灰改性试验研究[J]
- The influence tendency by different content of lime, water and compacting degree can be found based on the physical and chemical property research of a typical expansive soil and modified treatment. 通过对一种典型膨胀土物理力学性质的研究及掺加石灰进行改性处理试验,得出了不同掺灰量、不同含水量及不同压实度对膨胀土性能的影响规律。
- Through experiments, we studied the expansive soil on its mineral and expansiveness, and explored the principium of modification by mixing with lime. 摘要对采自汉中的膨胀土的矿物成分、膨胀性等特性进行了试验研究,探讨了石灰改良膨胀土的机理。
- The paper chiefly introduces application of expansive soil in freeway project. 主要介绍膨胀土在高速公路工程中的应用。
- The expansive soils not only have generality of clayey soils, but also have its special characteristics. 非饱和膨胀土既有一般粘性土的共性,又有其自身的特性。
- Test Study of Expansive Soil by Lime Improvement 石灰改性膨胀土试验研究
- It is shown that defomation behavior and strength characteristics are affected by water content (suction)of unsaturated expansive soils. 试验结果表明,含水量(吸力)决定了上样的变形行为,并影响了土样的强度;
- Research on the performance and design of expansive soils as road subgrade has great importance in solving pavement problems. 膨胀土性能及膨胀土路基设计研究是解决道路问题的一个重要部分。
- The results from two methods are generally in agreement and can meet the dema nds for expansive soils analysis in engineering geology. 两种方法的判别和分级结果基本相符,能满足工程地质膨胀土的测试要求。
- Expansive soil, one of the special clay soils, had caused many problems to foundations and slopes. 摘要膨胀土作为一种特殊的黏性土引发了许多地基与边坡方面的问题。
- The method has been applied to determine expansive scale of expansive soils and its reasonableness and effectiveness is proved by the example. 将该方法应用于膨胀土的胀缩等级分类,其合理性和有效性得到了验证。
- The relation between and suction is studied in this paper, and a new stress state variable for strength of unsaturated expansive soils is presented. 文中还研究了随吸力的变化规律及非地和上强度理论中的状态变量的选取方法。
- improved expansive soil with lime 石灰改性膨胀土
- Soil erosion is the most serious ecological problem in the world, and it is more serious in the regions of expansive soils than other regions. 水土流失是全球最大的生态环境问题,膨胀土地区工程建设所造成的水土流失更为严重。
- The stability of expansive soil slope was studied considering the effect of rainfall. 在此基础上,研究了考虑降雨入渗影响的膨胀土基坑边坡稳定性问题。
- The microstructure parameter of the expansive soil model, proposed by Alonso in 1999, is difficulty to test. Alonso(1999)提出的膨胀土模型存在着微观结构参数难以确定的缺点。
- We may burn limestone to obtain lime. 我们可以通过烧石灰石来得到石灰。