- Like a rat in a hole. 瓮中之鳖。
- like a rat in a hole adv. 如洞中之鼠(如网中之鳖)
- He was once a great mage, but now lives like a rat in a sinking vessel. 他曾经是个伟大的法师,但是现在住的地方像是沈船中的老鼠。
- A rat has eaten a hole in the box. 老鼠把箱子嗑破了。
- "He is going to live like a rat in a hole. What for? They are so cruel." 他将如洞中老鼠一样生活了。这是为什么?他们太残酷了。
- He needs that like a hole in his head. 他绝不需要那个东西。
- I need that like a hole in the head. 我根本不需要那玩意儿。
- A rat can gnaw a hole through wood. 老鼠能啃穿木头。
- He is just like a square peg in a round hole. 他根本就不合适。
- What it needs like a hole in the head is to be opened up. 绝对不需要打开什么。
- Mercutio: this drivelling love is like a great natural, that runs lolling up and down to hide his bauble in a hole. (因为一个一把鼻涕一把泪的情人,实在是象一个大傻瓜,伸着舌头东窜西窜地想把他的那根棍子藏在一个洞里。
- For this drivelling love is like a great natural that runs lolling up and down to hide his bauble in a hole. 一个堕入爱情的傻子,急得上窜下跳,为的是找一个洞放他的棍儿。这就是爱情的本质。---莎士比亚
- The little dog looks like a rat. 这只小狗看起来像只老鼠。
- Playing ball in the swamp is like a slow-motion movie coming to a halt every time a player sinks in a hole, she said. 布洛克说,每当有球员陷进坑里时,泥浆足球比赛就好比慢镜头电影。
- I have to come to regard unrequited love like a hole in a sock . Mend it or discard it. Don't just stand there with cold feet. 我发现单恋就像袜子上破的一个洞。要么补好,要么扔掉,只是不要光脚站在那里。
- He could smell a rat in the way the men were talking. 他从这些人的讲话方式就能感到事有蹊跷。
- When I dine in a restaurant, I like a table to myself. 我上饭馆吃饭时喜欢一个人占一张桌。
- He walked up and down the room between his books like a wild animal in a cage. 他在屋里的书堆中来回踱步,犹如笼中困兽。
- Now art thou sociable, now art thou Romeo; now art thou what thou art, by art as well as by nature: for this drivelling love is like a great natural, that runs lolling up and down to hide his bauble in a hole. 此刻你多么和气,此刻你才真是罗密欧了;不论是先天还是后天,此刻是你的真面目了;为了爱,急得涕零满脸,就像一个天生的傻子,奔上奔下,找洞儿藏他的混儿。
- He strut around like a rooster in a hen house.. 他像鸡舍里的公鸡一样昂首阔步。