- liberalism feminism view on science 自由主义女性主义科学观
- Often viewed as polar opposite, liberal feminism and radical feminism regard law as either the liberator or oppressor. 自由女权主义和激进女权主义虽然通常被视为两个截然对立的学派,但它们都将法律看作压迫或解放女性的工具。
- A Brief Analysis to the Liberalism Feminism, the Radicalism Feminism and the Marxist Feminism View on Science 自由主义女性主义与激进女性主义科学观浅探
- The Radical Future of Liberal Feminism 自由主义女性主义的激进未来
- This policy is liberalism writ large. 这项政策是扩大了的自由主义政策。
- A politician who beats the drum for liberalism. 一个竭力鼓吹自由主义的政治家
- Liberal Feminism and Commentary of Its Legal Thought 西方女性主义自由派法律思想评介
- liberalism feminism 自由主义女性主义
- Such people apply Marxism-Leninism to others but liberalism to themselves. 这种人对别人马列主义,对自己自由主义。
- Soft-headed liberalism; a cool-headed fighter pilot. 不切实际的自由主义; 头脑冷静的战斗机驾驶员
- He exemplify the new liberalism. 他反映了新自由主义的观点。
- Margaret had never been very impressed by feminism. 玛格丽特从未对妇女运动发生过兴趣。
- They are all manifestations of liberalism. 所有这些,都是自由主义的表现。
- And along came second-wave feminism. 这条规定出台之时,美国也兴起了第二轮女权运动。
- What relationship is it with modem feminism? 它与现代女权主义观念是什么关系?
- Western liberalism was always a mirage. 西方自由主义永远是一座海市蜃楼。
- The feminism age has yet to come. 女权主义的时代还没有到来。
- Her "Self" image burns with rebellious feminism. 简的“自我”形象迸发着女权主义的光芒。
- Feminism and Changing Sex Roles: It's good for Men! 女权主义和变换性别角色:男人的福音!
- Chivalry and feminism are NOT mutually exclusive. 绅士风度和女权主义互不排斥。