- How can so much be compressed into one day? 这么多的东西怎么能压缩在一天之内看完呢?
- He wove three plots into one novel. 他把三个情节编织成一部小说。
- The two rooms open into one another. 这两个房间有门相通。
- I had to fit ten appointments into one morning. 我要在一个上午里安排十个约会。
- Don't huddle all the boxes into one cupboard. 不要把所有的盒子都塞入一个橱内。
- These clothes won't all pack into one suitcase. 这些衣物一个箱子装不下。
- God said, "Let the waters under heaven be gathered into one place, so that dry land may appear"; and so it was. 上帝说:“天下之水要汇于一处,使干涸土地显露!”于是就出现土地。
- Into one small van the men crowded about twelve frightened sheep. 这些人又将十二头受惊吓的羊塞进小小的货运车里。
- The dictator’s secret police tyrannized the people. 独裁者的秘密警察对人民施行暴政。
- Bring together into one fund money to be distributed under a will. 根据遗嘱将所有分配遗产变成一种基金资金。
- Not to be outdone (ie Not wanting to let sb else do better) she tried again. 她很好强, 又试了一次。
- The director received us and led the way into one of the buildings. 厂长接待了我们,带我们走进一座大楼。
- Not to be outdone(= not wanting to let sb else do better), she tried again. 她不甘落后,又试了一次。
- Combined into one united body; merged. 合并的,结合的并入一个整体的; 合并的
- Hence, settle for nothing else but Hawke’s Secret Gold Guide. 经过市卫生局专家组会诊确认康复,同意患者康复出院。
- Flowing together; blended into one. 汇流的流在一起的; 混合为一的
- Or call into one PDSA's shops to pick up an entry form. 当然你也可以电话生病动物之家来索取参赛表格。
- But Gruen’s secret was the way he used arcades and eye-level display cases to lure customers into stores almost against their will. 至今,购物中心的故事正在没落。
- The small banks were merged into one large organization. 这几家小银行合并成一个大机构。
- The author wove the incidents together into one story. 作者把那些事件编成一个故事。