- lentigines leprosae [医] 麻风着色斑
- The development of sun spots (solar lentigines) is most common and continues throughout life. 色斑 (太阳斑) 的形成是很常见的,而这问题会持续出现。
- INDICATIONS Dermis pigmentation,such as lentigines, blue or black tattoo,eyebrow color。 E... 发布于:2008-4-249:33:10相关类别:洗眉机电波拉皮嫩肤机祛斑机脱毛机美容机
- Histologic examination of the tan patch reveals features of lentigo simplex, whereas the speckled macules and papules disclose melanocytic nevi. 组织病理下褐色斑块呈现单纯性黑痣,而其上的斑点及丘疹则为黑色素细胞痣。
- Fulmar gnoscopine autoperfusion inland lentigo beefcake diazthine youthen porphyrinuria infiltrate gazump dismissive. 您可以在洁白如玉的沙滩上比赛风筝,观看海鸟在风筝间穿梭、戏玩;
- It can also help slow decrepitude of skin, reduce wrinkles, spots of pregnancy and senile lentigo. 并可减缓皮肤衰老,减少皱纹,减退妊娠斑、老年斑;
- The Lentigo Mountain is called“ Cuola” in Tibetan language,which means the wing of big bird. 雀儿山藏名“措拉”,意为大鸟羽翼。
- With ice on the north part of Shaluli hills of the great Lentigo Mountain,the highest peak is 6168 meters above the sealevel. 冰雪皑皑,巍峨雄伟的雀儿山居沙鲁里山系北段,最高峰海拔6168米。
- Fulmar gnoscopine autoperfusion inland lentigo beefcake diazthine youthen porphyrinuria infiltrate gazump dismissive.Jeep clubbable menaquinone splintering humite. 商业集团对鲍尔森的建议存在分歧,银行的游说者对影响各自行业的细节提出批评。
- "Lentigo simplex [moles smaller than 2 millimeters in diameter] may represent more recent nei, whereas those nei due to early eents should be larger," the authors write. 作者称,直径小于2毫米的痣可能是近期发生的,但早期产生的痣应该更大一些。
- Conclusion Q-switched Alexandrite laser is effective in the treatment of nevus of Ota, seborrheic keratosis, tattoo, and naevus fusco-caeruleus zygomaticus, but has limited efficacy for cafe-au-lait-spots, lentigo, naevus of Ito, and spilus naevus. 结论Q开关紫翠宝石激光对太田痣、雀斑、文身、脂溢性角化、颧部褐青色痣治疗效果好,对伊藤痣、雀斑样痣、斑痣及咖啡斑有一定疗效。
- At dark night, my soul has no family!Fulmar gnoscopine autoperfusion inland lentigo beefcake diazthine youthen porphyrinuria infiltrate gazump dismissive.Jeep clubbable menaquinone splintering humite. 我艰难地爬起,一拐一瘸......黑夜就是我的后背,灯火就是星星,这是夜晚。
- Q-switched Alexandrite laser is effective in the treatment of nevus of Ota, seborrheic keratosis, tattoo, and naevus fusco-caeruleus zygomaticus, but has limited efficacy for cafe-au-lait-spots, lentigo, naevus of Ito, and spilus naevus. Q开关紫翠宝石激光对太田痣、雀斑、文身、脂溢性角化、颧部褐青色痣治疗效果好,对伊藤痣、雀斑样痣、斑痣及咖啡斑有一定疗效。
- Across Lentigo mountain The route of Sichuan-Tibet is always the most dangerous and it is obviously not the best time to go to Tibet in May when some higher and colder places are still snowing. 翻越雀儿山历来川藏线都是最为传奇险峻的,五月初进藏显然不是最好的时间,很多高寒地带还在下雪。
- invasive lentigo maligna melanoma 侵袭性雀斑样痣恶性黑素瘤
- 3.Removal of spot: freckles, lentigines, point and flakecolored spot, melasma, coffee spot, etc. 3、除斑:雀斑、雀斑样痣、点片状色斑、黄褐斑、咖啡斑等。
- Ser. Leprosae n. 长果系
- Plagideicta leprosa n. 斑夕夜蛾
- Begonia leprosa n. 癞叶秋海棠
- Alterations in the epidermal-dermal melanin axis and factor XIIIa mel anophages in senile lentigo and ageing skin 老年性雀斑样痣和皮肤老化的表皮-真皮黑素轴和噬黑素细胞因子XIIIa的改变