- Equity is a correction of common legal rules in their defective parts. 衡平法是对普通法律规则中瑕疵部分的矫正。
- Civil liberty is guaranteed, and violations of legal rules are punished. 公民的自由受到保障,违反法律法规要受到处罚。
- If legal provisions require the entrustment to be written, it shall be effected in writing. 法律规定用书面形式的,应当用书面形式。
- The position of the mushkenu in society can be surmised from a number of legal provisions in the Code of Hammurabi. 依附民在社会中的地位可以在汉谟拉比法典的几个法律规定中猜度出来。
- In addition to legal provisions for the construction of small towns can be allocated, are compensable. 小城镇建设用地除法律规定可划拨的外,均实行有偿使用。
- This legal provision involves many things. 这个法律条文的涉及面非常广。
- Roman feudalism produced legal rules and legal institutions strikingly similar to English feudalism. 罗马封建主义所确立的法律规则和制度与英国封建主义的非常相似。
- There are specific legal provisions concerning the rights a criminal must enjoy during the entire process from initial detention to release after serving the sentence. 从罪犯收押,到刑满释放整个过程,对罪犯应享有的权利,都有具体的法律规定。
- The creditor shall have the right to demand that the debtor fulfil his obligations as specified by the contract or according to legal provisions. 债权人有权要求债务人按照合同的约定或者依照法律的规定履行义务。
- "Due to limitations in size and legal rules, our efforts did not blossom," he said. “由于规模和法规的限制,我们的努力未能开花结果,”他说。
- The legal rule and its the potency question is a foundational question of law philosophy. 摘要法律规则及其效力是法哲学的一个基础性问题。
- A people's conciliation committee shall conduct conciliation in accordance with legal provisions and the principle of voluntariness. 人民调解委员会依照法律规定,根据自愿原则进行调解。
- Article 5.The Municipal Government may, in line with public interest requirements, expropriate land in accordance with legal provisions. 第五条市政府为了公共利益的需要,可以依照法律规定对土地实行征用。
- The oughtness of the nature of law contain the requirement for value which is the root of legal rules. 法本质的应然体现了人们对法律规则本身所赖以存在和维护的价值需求。
- The People's Conciliation Committees shall conduct all mediations according to legal provisions and the principle of voluntariness. 人民调解委员会依照法律规定,根据自愿原则进行调解。
- The latter describe the act of killing as zei, but do not cite the legal rules which impose liability for zei sha. 后者将杀害这一行为描述为“贼”,但是没有援引关于“贼杀”的法律规定。
- "Without explicit legal provisions, players cannot prove ownership, so the public security offices might not bother with the case," says Yang. “缺少明确的法律条文,玩家们无法证明其所有权,所以公安部门可能不会过多地介入相关事件,”杨林表示。
- Jewish Feasts: a set of useless, man-made, legalistic rules! Why bother? 西2:16所以不要让人因著饮食、节期、月朔、安息日批评你们,
- Learn more than 6 will give you the legal provisions at the lives of Chinese students convenience, to avoid inadvertent violation of Chinese law. 6 了解以上法律条款将给您在中国的留学生生活带来便利,避免因疏忽而违反中国的法律。
- In accordance with the relevant legal provisions, in the case of advertisements issued by persons such compensable or returned goods. 按照相关法律的规定,在此类情况下广告发布者应予赔偿或退货。