- He proceeded to deal forth his scraps of legal knowledge without mercy. 他开始毫不留情地贩卖残缺不全的法律知识。
- Military legal knowledge has been incorporated into the military education and training of the PLA units and the curriculum of military academies and schools. 军事法制已经成为中国军队教育训练的内容和军队院校教育的课程。
- On most interested in politics, 40% of the students choose the moral cultivation, 37% of students like legal knowledge. 对最感兴趣的政治课内容,40%25的学生选择的是思想道德修养,37%25的学生喜欢法律知识。
- The reader will run into the dilemma of the legal knowledge when they analyze Shylock s lawsuit from the view of law. 摘要从法学角度分析夏洛克的败诉,读者陷入了法律知识上的两难。
- Knowledge without common sense counts for little. 光有学问而无常识,则这种学问无甚价值。
- There was further progress in publicity campaigns to promote legal knowledge,resulting in greater public awareness of the law. 普法宣传教育深入进行,公民的法制观念增强。
- Mean-while,governments at all levels ran legal knowledge forums and training classes so as to promptly make the relevant law known to all the people. 同时,各级政府有关部门通过举办法律知识讲座、培训班等,在广大公民中迅速普及知识产权法律知识。
- Enterprises and institutions should bring intellectual property law into line with their educational plans for popularization of legal knowledge. 企事业单位要把知识产权法律纳入本单位的普法教育计划。
- Providing high-level legal training for judicial personnel and lawyers, and developing short-term training involving the renewal of legal knowledge. 积极进行教学探索,向司法人员、律师等提供高端法律培训,积极开拓各类以知识更新为主的短期培训。
- Mean-while, governments at all levels ran legal knowledge forums and training classes so as to promptly make the relevant law known to all the people. 同时,各级政府有关部门通过举办法律知识讲座、培训班等,在广大公民中迅速普及知识产权法律知识。
- There was further progress in publicity campaigns to promote legal knowledge, resulting in greater public awareness of the law. 普法宣传教育深入进行,公民的法制观念增强。
- Secondly, the figure indicates that there is still a long way to go for the government to educate the people and disseminate the legal knowledge. 其二,数字表明政府要教育民众,传播法律知识仍然还有很长的路要走。
- It is the education activities that distribute legal knowledge, formulate legal thinking and train qualified persons understanding the Iaw. 在法律教育过程中,培养学生的法律思维是其宗旨。
- Pure Heart Asset Management hereby disclaims that the information in this website is provided to the best of its legal knowledge. 赤子之心对于因该内容而引起或因使用该内容引发的任何代价或损失不承担责任。
- Job Description:Do you want to use your legal knowledge in a web-based consumer business rather than an old-fash...... ... 公司名称:北京汇智明网络技术有限公司工作地点:其他发布时间:2009-4-29
- Knowledge without common sense count for little. 没有常识的知识没多大用处。
- Knowledge without common sense counts for nothing. 缺乏常识的知识是没有价值的。
- In accordance with the unified national plan,China's armed forces have launched three five-year campaigns from 1986 to 2000 to popularize legal knowledge. 根据国家的统一部署,从1986年到2000年,中国军队进行了三次五年普法教育活动。
- I have the person that has consulted to have legal knowledge, they say this is bagatelle can be given off, but, police station does not let bail namely. . 我有咨询过有法律知识的人,他们说这都是小事可以放出来,可是,派出所就是不让保释。。