- Take a leap of faith and trust them. 来个一百八十度的转弯,采取信任他们的态度。
- They practised a policy of divide and rule. 他们实行分而治之的政策。
- A leap of a whale from the water. 鲸跃鲸体出水面的一跃
- leaping of divide 分水界移动
- But at sane point you've got to take that leap of faith. 但到了某一时刻,你必须根据自己的信念跳一步,迅速地作出决定才行。
- Division:The act or process of dividing. "分开;分隔:分隔的行为或过程.;"
- A low leap of a horse in which all four feet are off the ground. (马)跳跃指马四足都离地面的一种低跳跃
- The process of dividing a unit into segments. 将整体划分为段的过程。
- There are times when we just have to take a leap of faith. 有时,我们需要满怀信心地来一次飞跃。
- Secondly, it marks a leap of American black aesthetic ideas. 其次,这一传统标志着黑人美学思想的飞跃;
- The custom grew up of dividing the father's land between the sons. 把父亲的土地分给儿子的习俗渐渐形成了。
- But what are the advantages of dividing the system into cells? 将这个系统划分成蜂窝状的小区有什么好处呢?
- This investment is certainly a leap of faith in favor of Volkswagen Slovakia. 这确实是一个飞跃的信仰有利于大众斯洛伐克。
- When the path is problematical, consider a leap of faith. Ride the wind. 如果发现前方道路有问题,乘风而起,跃之不疑。
- With the silent leap of a sullen beast, I have downed and strangled every joy. 我像猛兽一样不声不响地在欢乐之上跳跃,为了掐住希望的咽喉。
- It is a leap in the process of cognition. 这是认识过程的一次飞跃。
- The act or process of dividing something into parts. 分割,分裂把某些事物分割成几部分的行为或过程
- The loud noise made me leap out of my skin. 这么响的声音吓了我一大跳。
- Much evidence supporting both theories has been presented but the acceptance of a super meteor wiping a selected species from the face of the earth is a leap of faith at best. 支持这两种说法的证据已提出了许多,但接受超级小行星的撞击而从地球表面选择性地抹去某些物种的观点,的确是一个观念上的飞跃。
- Last year we introduced a system of divided responsibility. 去年我们实行了一种分工负责制。