- The difference between leak rate and rate of pressure rise of high vacuum pneumatic operation baffle valve is analyzed. 本文通过高真空气动挡板阀的数据分析来说明漏率和升压率在高真空范围内二者之间的差异。
- Keywords leak detection and measurement;leakage rate;tightness; 检漏;泄漏率;紧密性;
- Bubbles indicate a leak. Leak detection solutions vary in their ability to detect leaks. However, leakage rates for standard connections range from 1 x 10-3 to 1 x 10-5 cc of helium per second. 起泡说明有泄露。检漏溶液的检漏能力是不同的。但是,标准接头的泄露率在每秒1 x 10-3 到1 x 10-5 毫升氦范围内。
- And Voynet insists to say to set even if set however, before proving the leak rate of these aircrew is inside limitative limits, they.. 而 Voynet却坚持说规定就是规定 ;在没有证实这些机组的泄漏率在限制范围内前 ;它们...
- Conclusion Limb fatigue and liquor leakage rate can be effectively mitigated by free-act-still method on intravenous-transfusion-patient. 静脉输液病人采用自由动静结合法能有效减轻肢体疲劳和减少液体渗漏。
- And it is pointed out that the method of the vacuum leak detection with pressurization is better for mearsuring the actual leak rate of satellite. 文章介绍了“海洋一号”卫星检漏所采用的两种方法,特别指出采用加压真空检漏方法更能真实地测得卫星的实际漏率,并可提高工作效率。
- Pipe &hose assembly is convenient and double-quick when assembly.There are three seal grooves at tube end for reducing leakage rate of refrigerant . 管路总成装配方便、快捷,接头处三道密封槽,减少了制冷剂的泄漏。
- Leakage flow rate,liquid film axial stiffness and the ratio of film stiffness to leakage rate of such a seal were compu... 密封环的约束对变形起着重要作用,选择合适的约束可以减小密封面转角,提高液膜刚度,增强密封工作稳定性。
- Generally the use of ball valves provides a high integrity shut-off/Isolation with a class VI leakage rate at lower temperatures. 译文:在较低温度下,通常使用球阀要提供一个高度完整的切断/隔离阀门,还要满足等级VI泄漏率。
- Improvements in closure techniques and the use of new materials and surgical glues seem to significantly reduce the postoperative cerebrospinal fluid leak rate and meningitis. 改进修补技术,使用新型材料和手术用胶水可明显降低术后脑脊液漏的发生率和脑膜炎。
- The accurate judgement of airtightness test of gas engineering facilities must depend on Leakage rate, but not on pressure drop. 燃气工程气密性试验的准确鉴定必须采用渗漏率,而不能用压力降。
- Improements in closure techniques and the use of new materials and surgical glues seem to significantly reduce the postoperatie cerebrospinal fluid leak rate and meningitis. 改进修补技术,使用新型材料和手术用胶水可明显降低术后脑脊液漏的发生率和脑膜炎。
- In order to reduce sinter machine the nose airplane tail air leak rate,designed the software seal,in agglutinated in the cup carries on the experiment,the effect was remarkable. 为了降低烧结机机头机尾的漏风率,设计了软体密封,在烧结杯中进行试验,效果显著。
- Supercooling degree small steam leak rate of less than 3%, maximum pressure rate of 75%, more connections, the sensitivity of better than a free float-type traps. 过冷度小,漏汽率小于3%25,最大背压率为75%25,连接件比较多,灵敏度不如自由浮球式疏水阀。
- The test stand is constructed and instrumented to accept a variety of valves in order to determine which characteristics of acoustic emission change with leakage rate. 建立模拟在用承压阀门内漏实验台,研究典型阀门内漏声源的声学特性,确定声发射特征参量与泄漏率的关系,为定量评价阀门泄漏率提供实验数据;
- In this paper,we mainly analyzed the reasons about air leakage in air preheater and large leakage rate in three partition Ljunstoem air preheater made in our country. 对空气预热器漏风的机理及国产三分仓容克式空气预热器漏风大的原因进行了分析。
- Our Ten Millimeter (TM) valves feature a maximum leakage rate of 0.016 SCCM (bubble tight) and are epoxy impregnated Nylon encapsulated class "F" continuous duty (ED 100%). 我们的10毫米(商标)阀功能的0.;016 sccm的最大泄漏量(泡沫紧),并浸尼龙环氧封装类的“F”连续工作(教育100%25)。
- The hydrogen pressure transient in the break point and the compressibility of water/steam in the tubes are taken into account in the water leakage rate model. 根据断裂处氢气压力变化,并考虑管内流体的压缩性建立了水的泄漏率模型。
- The design leakage rate through the internal containment to the intercontainment space after the postulated accident makes up 0.2 % air mass in the building during 24 h. 在假定事故发生后,穿过内壳至壳内空隙的设计疏漏率为24小时间在建筑中组成0.;2 %25的气团。