- By using the Baldwin-Lomax turbulent model, the formation of the leading edge separation bubble, as well as the convection of vortex along the airfoil surface and unsteady phenomena of vortex are simulated at high angle of attack. 应用BaldwinLomax湍流二层代数模型模拟了大攻角时前缘分离涡的形成,旋涡对流及其非定常现象。
- No heavy leading edge causing the kite to luff. 没有重的前沿导致风筝对逆风行驶。
- Check all leading edge flaps extended. 检查前缘襟翼皆已放出。
- Even so, younger buyers and others who have been on the leading edge of trends continue to prefer Japanese cars in disproportionate numbers. 尽管如此,年轻的顾客以及走在时代潮流前面的人,仍然宁买日本汽车,其人数之众简直不成比例。
- As these volcanoes grow, they rise above the ocean surface to form lines of islands along the leading edge of the overriding plate. 随着这些火山的生长,它们上升到海面以上会沿着仰冲板块的前缘形成岛链。
- The mechanism of noise reduction for non-smooth leading edge vane was that the non-smooth shape has the characteristic of rectify flow around the airfoil and the control the turbulent breakaway. 有效减少气流流经前后翼型表面时翼型间扰流作用,起到良好的导流作用,使后翼型来流平稳,气流噪声降低。
- As these volcanoes grow,they rise above the ocean surface to form lines of islands along the leading edge of the overriding plate. 随着这些火山的生长,它们上升到海面以上会沿着仰冲板块的前缘形成岛链。
- In strong wind, let someone grab your leading edge from the center. 强风时,请人帮忙抓住伞中央前缘风口处。
- Godin and his team discovered that tsunamis crossing the ocean stir up and darken the surface waters along the leading edge of the wave. 高丁和他的研究小组发现,海啸越过海洋挑起和变暗的地表水沿前缘波。
- Leading edge and trailing edge means the function of the dimmer. 飞机螺旋桨的前边缘和机翼后边缘是最能够反应调光器的功能的。
- A thin layer of bone has already been laid down on the surface of the cartilage spicules along the leading edge of cartilage. 图中可见软骨近骨髓腔面有一小梁状软骨表面已被骨组织覆盖。
- A seagull hit the right wing tip, leading edge flap sustained minor damage. 右翼尖与一只海鸥相撞,前缘襟翼受到轻微损伤。
- The thermal environment of the scramjet strut leading edge is rigorous. 摘要在超燃冲压发动机工作过程中,支板前缘的热环境非常恶劣。
- Tapered leading edges with blunt tips. 圆锥领先优势钝性小费。
- Fin is tall and back-tapered with a blunt tip and fairing in the leading edge. 鱼翅是身高和后备圆锥与钝端和整流罩在市场领先优势。
- Written in conjunction with a leading edge naturopath from Australia. 书面联同一个 领先naturopath来自澳大利亚。
- Roll clouds can also be a sign of possible microburst activity.Cool air sinking air from a storm cloud’s downdraft spreads out across the surface with the leading edge called a gust front. 大规模气体急剧上升,形成狂暴的漩涡,整个漩涡向下俯冲,卷起大量烟雾和碎片并吸附在漩涡中心,从而形成蘑菇的“茎干”部分。
- By calculating the droplet impinging characteristic, the protected range along chordwise form the leading edge was then determined to be 12% along the upper surface and 33% along the lower surface. 采用分析水滴在气流场中运动的拉格朗日法计算水滴撞击特性,确定桨叶弦向结冰防护范围为上表面12%25,下表面33%25。
- The flow field parameter distribution can be affected more in upper stream, especially near the leading edge area while the mach number distribution of the upstream blade surface is affected little. 对上游进口段,特别是靠近叶片前缘区域流场参数分布有较大影响,但对于上游叶片表面马赫数影响不大。