- leaded high carbon steel 含铅高碳钢
- A hot dip Zn 5%Al RE coating on high carbon steel wire is tested. 试验了在高碳钢丝表面上热浸镀Zn 5%25Al RE合金层。
- Surface defect and macrostructure of high carbon steel billet were analyzed. 介绍了铸坯相关表面缺陷及低倍组织,提出了质量控制措施及方案。
- Large supply of 304 stainless steel material, high carbon steel, tuna hooks and Availability timely. 大量供应不锈钢304材质,高碳钢,金枪鱼钩;供货及时.
- To introduce the application of pickling free drawing process to semi finished high carbon steel wire production. 介绍无酸洗拉拔工艺在高碳钢丝半成品生产上的应用。
- High carbon steel blade,cutting edges induc-tion quenched,a lock in the middle part Dip-ped handle. 刀头优质高碳钢冲压;刃口高频感应淬火;特殊压板中间推销锁紧结构;柄部沾塑处理.
- The influence of Cr microalloying on the quality of large size high carbon steel wire rod is discussed. 讨论铬微合金化对大规格高碳钢线材质量的影响。
- The abrasive tools made of it are suitable f the grinding of high carbon steel chilled steel. 用白刚玉制造的磨具适用于高碳钢、高速钢和淬火钢等的磨削。
- After niobium microalloying for high carbon steel,the mechanical properties of wire rods was improved. 铌微合金化处理后高碳钢线材的力学性能得到了改善。
- For hardened steel, alloy steel, high speed steel, high carbon steel, etc. Also for thread and gear grinding and thin walled workpieces. 适用于淬火钢、合金钢、高速钢、高碳钢的磨削,也可用于螺纹、齿轮及薄壁零件的加工。
- To research delamination phenomenon of high carbon steel wire on the view of cementite decomposing during wire drawing and through experiment data. 根据拉丝过程中渗碳体分解的观点,并通过实验数据,对高碳钢丝发生分层现象进行研究。
- With the help of single pass and double pass tests, a model predicting austenite decomposition of high carbon steel was developed. 通过单道次和双道次压缩实验,建立高碳钢的奥氏体组织演变模型,对高速线材生产进行组织性能预测。
- For hard and heat sensitive steel ,such as hard ened steel ,bearing steel ,HSS,high carbon steel .mainly for tools , measures,dies ,gears and thin wall parts. 适用于材质较硬、热敏感性教强钢材的磨削。如淬火钢、轴承刚、高速刚、高碳钢等。主要用于工具、刃具、量具、模具、齿轮以及薄壁零件的磨削加工。
- The spray formed ultra high carbon steel(UHCS)was firstly produced in the world and study on its superplasticity and microstructure after deformation was conducted. 报道了首次采用喷射成型工艺制取超高碳钢,并研究了其超塑性及变形后的显微组织。
- By way of “raising high carbon content and post blowing” as well as recarburization practice can the high carbon steel of fine quality be refined in the converter. 通过“高拉补吹”、炉后增碳工艺,转炉能够冶炼出合格的高碳钢。
- Composite materials guide can be gotten by strengthening carbon steel guide with oxyacetylene hot spray welding. Replacing high carbon alloy guide with it has a good result. 用氧化乙炔焰热喷焊技术对普碳钢导卫装置进行表面强化,制成复合材导卫以替代高碳高合金导卫,取得较好效果。
- The reason of defects and danger to producing and drawing of rod also were analyzed in order to provide reference for producing and analyzing quality of high carbon steel rod. 分析了这些组织缺陷产生的原因以及它们对盘条生产和后续拉拔的危害,为高碳钢盘条的生产及产品质量分析提供参考。
- The spray formed ultra high carbon steel (UHCS) was firstly produced in the world and study has been made on its superplasticity and properties after hot working. 采用喷射成形工艺制取超高碳钢,并对其超塑性及热加工后的综合性能进行了研究。
- By using solidification and melted slag theory,series mold powders of low alloy steel,plain carbon steel and high carbon steel,were developed and used in production successfully. 运用凝固理论和熔渣理论,研制开发了适用于低合金钢、普碳钢、高碳钢的系列保护渣并成功地应用于连铸生产。
- Other applications where high carbon steels are well suited include drill bushings, locators, and wear pads. 高碳钢也很适用的其它地方包括钻头夹头、定位仪和耐磨垫。