- They are watering the street to lay the dust. 他们正在街上洒水灭灰。
- A sprinkler sprinkles water on the roads to lay the dust . 洒水车将水洒在路上以不使尘土飞扬。
- A sprinkler sprinkles water on the roads to lay the dust. 洒水车将水洒在路上以不使尘土飞扬。
- The city lay in the dust after the battle. 战斗结束后,全城成为废墟。
- How many enemies bit the dust in the battle? 在这次战斗中打死了多少敌人?
- The dust on the shelf show up in the sunlight. 在阳光照射下能看见架子上有灰尘。
- He flicked away the dust with a cloth. 他用一块布拂去灰尘。
- He told me to lay the table for six. 他让我摆好桌子准备6个人吃饭。
- Mother told me to lay the table for breakfast. 母亲让我摆好桌子准备吃早饭。
- Another of my great ideas bites the dust! 我的一个好主意又碰壁了。
- On well, another good idea bites the dust. 算了,又一个好主意失败了。
- The dust can is stinking up the street. 那个垃圾箱使这条街臭气熏天。
- I lie, put my injuries all in the dust. 我谎称已将伤害全抛入尘埃。
- He rose again from the dust of past defeats. 他过去因失败而蒙羞,现在东山再起了。
- The Dictator has made all his enemies lick the dust. 这个独裁者击败了他的所有敌人。
- I turned my pockets inside out to shake the dust out. 我们把口袋翻出来,抖掉灰尘。
- The dust settled on the furniture while we were away. 我们不在家时,尘土落满了家具。
- Please lay the packages on the table. 请把包裹放在桌上。
- Herein lies the keys to the questions. 里面包含着问题的答案。
- We can see the dust particles floating in the sunlight clearly. 我们可以很清楚地看到阳光下的灰尘颗粒。