- Certainly he praised my work, but I don’t take what he said seriously, for he laid it on with a trowel. 他确实称赞了我的工作,但我并不把他所说的当一回事,因为他说得太过分了。
- Certainly she praised my work, but I don’t take what she said seriously, for the laid it on with a trowel. 她确实称赞了我的工作,但我并不把她所说的当一回事,因为她说得过分了。
- To lay it on with a trowel 极力奉承
- lay it on with a trowel vi. 厚厚地涂(竭力恭维)
- He was laying the flattery on with a trowel. 他吹捧得天花乱坠。
- That was laid on with a trowel . 那称赞是过分了。
- Certainly he praised my work,but I don't take what he said seriously,for he laid it on with a trowel. 他确实称赞了我的工作,但我并不把他所说的当一回事,因为他说得太过分了。
- Certainly he praised my work, but I don't take what he said seriously, for he laid it on with a trowel. 他确实称赞了我的工作,但我并不把他所说的当一回事,因为他说得太过分了。
- Certainly she praised my work, but I don't take what she said seriously, for the laid it on with a trowel. 她确实称赞了我的工作,但我并不把她所说的当一回事,因为她说得过分了。
- He told her that she was his favourite author and that she deserved the Nobel Prize for literature.He really laid it on with a trowel. 他对她说,她是自己最喜欢的作家,还说她应该获得诺贝尔文学奖。他实际上是在恭维她。
- You laid it on with a trowel. 你太会拍马屁了吧。
- Lay it on a plate, cake board or cake stand. 雷伊在一个板块,蛋糕板或蛋糕的立场。
- It wasn't really his fault, so you needn't lay it on so thick. 这并不真正是他的过错,所以你不必过分责备他。
- He was laying on the flattery with a trowel. 他在一个劲儿地拍马屁。
- If you have two pounds to spare, lay it on Brown Willie for the nest race. 你要是匀得了两英镑,下次赛马时城押在棕色威利那匹马上。
- Let me lay it on the line I think you're cheating. 坦率地说,我认为你在搞鬼。
- The engineer caught on with a big electronics body. 这位工程师被一家大电子集团所雇用。
- The flower border required careful weeding with a trowel but he attacked it with a spade like a bull in a china shop. 花园里沿边的或走道两边的花坛要用一把泥铲小心地除草,但是他却用一把铁锹重手重脚地做,象瓷器店里的一头公牛,一动就会闯祸。
- Let me lay it on the line, we have done our share. 坦率地说, 我们已经尽了我们的力量。
- He urged the horses on with a whip. 他用鞭子策马前行。