- heavy-duty truck (运货车) 重型卡车
- [+plans,career,duty] 妨碍某事 to interfere with sth
- [+unpleasant duty,decision] 逃避 to flinch from
- heavy-duty pavement (用于繁重交通要道) 重级路面
- heavy-duty geared head lathe (全齿轮车床) 重型普通车床
- [美]遗产税, 继承税(英国称death-duty或estatetax) inheritance tax
- [美]遗产税, 继承税(英国称death-duty 或estate tax) inheritance tax
- 在英美法上,这种义务称作信义义务(fiduciary duty)。 In common law, such duty is called "fiduciary duty".
- 高先生,您觉得我方关于重型卡车(heavy-duty truck)的报价怎样? How do you find our offer on heavy-duty trucks,Mr Gao?
- 你可以用“duty”和“beauty”押韵,但是不能用“box”和“backs”押韵。 You can rhyme "duty" with "beauty" but you can't rhyme "box" and "backs".
- PPS、MPPS、MPSA系列高压聚丙烯膜电容器给出了占空比(DUTY)为15%时的额定峰峰值电流。 "For PPS,MPPS,MPSA series high voltage polypropylene film capacitor, the catalogue gives the permissible lp-p value with duty load 15%25."
- Duty责任:责任是心元素,负责任是心的考验,每天升起的太阳注视着每天的工作从心开始,也注视着飞毛腿人的工作是从心开始的。 Duty: Duty is the 'heart' element. We should take responsible from heart. Every morning, with the sun rising, the daily works for SCUD men also arising from their hearts.