- large line fishing 大型延绳钓
- Fishing line fishing , also referred to as angling , is the most common form of fishing for hobbyists in the United States. 行车途中如果刹车突然间失灵很可能造成车毁人亡,所以掌握点应急方法,或许就能化险为夷。
- Apart from hunting, the estate also offers an array of activities: line fishing, big game fishing, sea regattas, trekking and quad biking. 除了打猎,这里还可以钓鱼,或者去深海钓鱼,海上划船比赛,还有徒步旅行和四轮摩托旅行。
- Trolling is a form of fishing line fishing that involves drawing the fishing lure through the water in order to attract fish. 拖钓,其实也是线钓的一种形式,它是指穿过水拽鱼诱以吸引鱼类。
- Harpoon Style Wine Line Fishing Device 鱼叉式钢绳捞取器
- Henceforth, the skinniest line will be referred to as "1," the medium-sized line as "2," the next largest line as "3. 开头遇到的最细的线将被看做ldquo;1rdquo;,比最细的大一倍的自然就是ldquo;2rdquo;了,再大点是ldquo;3rdquo;
- He bit off a large piece of the apple. 他咬下一大块苹果。
- For Building, the Flat Glass Division offers the largest line of glass products under its SAINT-GOBAIN GLASS brand name. 平板玻璃部为建筑工业提供各类玻璃产品,SAINT-GOBAIN GLASS为其产品商标。
- Henceforth, the skinniest line will be referred to as "1," the medium-sized line as "2," the next largest line as "3." and the thickest is "4. 开头遇到的最细的线将被看做“1”,比最细的大一倍的自然就是“2”了,再大点是“3”了,最宽就是“4”了。
- Large billboards have disfigured the scenery. 大型告示板已破坏了景色。
- He has a large amount of mail to answer every day. 他每天有大量的信件要回复。
- His large income enabled him to live in comfort. 他那丰厚的收入使他可以过舒服的生活。
- He cooked the pasta in a large pan of boiling water. 他用一大锅开水煮义大利面食。
- The company declared a large dividend at the end of the year. 公司在年底宣布分发高额股息。
- He piloted us through the large factory. 他领我们参观了这个大工厂。
- Large air and navel forces were set into action. 庞大的空军和海军部队开始行动了。
- I had to spend a large sum of money to get it back. 我得花一大笔钱才把它弄回来。
- He has a large farm in the Mississippi Valley. 他在密西西比河流域拥有一个大农场。
- They clubbed together a large sum. 他们集资到一大笔款子。
- He endowed the hospital with a large fortune. 他捐赠一笔巨款给这家医院。