- land price sharing 地价分摊
- Method of comprehensive analysis and land price appraisal were employed. 研究方法:综合分析法和土地价格评估法。
- The land price in Shanghai has increased several times in the last few years. 上海的地价比前几年增涨了几倍。
- At Rmb42 per sqm, land price in this development zone is the lowest in the PRD. 42元人民币每亩的租金 ,这是整个猪三角同类开发区中最低廉的。
- Land prices will rise at a healthy clip. 土地价格将快速稳定上涨。
- Land prices have quadrupled in two years. 土地价格两年内已经增加了三倍。
- Income capitalization is one of main means approach to evaluation of agricultural land price. 收益还原法是评估农用地价格的主要方法之一。
- Now the discussion on land price of the urban fringe focuses mainly on evaluation methods of land price. 目前对城乡结合部土地价格的评估方法探讨较多,而对地价影响因素研究较少。
- And all these have some discussion on the study of the demarcated land price in theory and ways as well as practice. 对进一步规范土地交易市场,提高地产价格的透明度,满足土地市场建设及土地有偿使用方式多元化的需求有一定的理论价值和实用价值。
- Land prices in Iowa rose 10% last year, and are still climbing. 去年艾奥瓦的土地价格上涨了10%25,现在仍在上涨。
- House and land prices tend on the whole to go up rather than down. 总体上看,房屋和土地价格在涨而不是降。
- Housing price and land price interact and affect each other through certain conduction mechanism. 房价与地价相互作用,相互影响,通过一定的传导机制发生作用。
- With the development of Beijing land price system establishing and developing.Land remise mode is changing. 随着北京市出让地价体系的建立和发展,从2002年开始经营性用地的出让方式由协议出让的方式向招标、拍卖、挂牌方式转变。
- The practice shows that MapInfo is reliable to regenerate,manage and utilize result map of appraising standard land price. 实践证明,MapInfo为基准地价评估成果图的及时更新、科学管理、有效利用提供了可靠的途经。
- This applies to the base premium transferring land use rights, transfer, leasing, mortgages, pricing shares. 本次基准地价适用于土地使用权出让、转让、出租、抵押、作价入股。
- The foreign auto parts industry can enjoy the most preferential land price, which is same as enterprises producing for Dongfeng Yueda Kia Co., Ltd. 汽车零配件独资企业可享受与东风悦达起亚配套工厂相同的土地价格最优惠待遇。
- That kind of trading inefficiency looks bad for China and would be an embarrassment for the NYSE, which prides itself on its ability to price shares cleanly. 这种低效率交易对于中国很糟,同时却让以其清理股价能力而自豪的纽约证券交易所陷入尴尬。
- Stock dividends tend to reduce the market price per share of stock because there are more shares available. Lower priced shares are in general more easily marketable. 红股会降低市场上每股的价格,因为股数增加了。总的说来,股票价格越低,就越容易交易。
- The influence factor of land price and difference of degree is the main reason to influence systematic common ability, which was solved in the system. 地价影响因素项和程度的差异是影响系统通用性的主要原因,系统在这两个方面予以解决。
- In 2004, Tokyo had been the only prefecture in which land prices rose. 2004年,东京是唯一一个土地价格上涨的地区。