- Human resources plan, labor regulation and labor insurance consulting and personnel recruiting for its clients. 为企业提供人力资源策划、劳动法规和劳动法规和劳动保险咨询,代理招聘企业员工。
- The wages and labor insurance expense owed to the workers hired by the partnership. 合伙企业所欠招用的职工工资和劳动保险费用;
- Injured workers on leave or those on maternity leave receive full pay through the state's labor insurance system. 被伤害的工作者在事假或那些在产假通过状态的辛苦保险系统领取充分的薪水。
- The Chinese habit of overusing medicines places a heavy burden on the labor insurance system. 国人滥用药物的习惯,形成劳保沈重的负担。
- In China,men and women get equal pay for equal work. Working women enjoy the right of special labor protection and labor insurance. 中国实行男女同工同酬,劳动妇女享有特殊劳动保护和劳动保险的权利。
- Special production sale absorbent gauze mouthpiece, apron, labor insurance things and environmental protection cloth sack and so on oversleeve. 专门生产销售脱脂纱布口罩,围裙,袖套等劳保用品及环保布袋。
- The company is located in leather production base is still leather shop Promise Prefecture, production Ngau Tau, dogskin labor insurance leather. 本公司坐落在皮革生产基地无极县东店尚制革区,生产牛头、狗皮劳保皮革。
- In China, men and women get equal pay for equal work. Working women enjoy the right of special labor protection and labor insurance. 中国实行男女同工同酬,劳动妇女享有特殊劳动保护和劳动保险的权利。
- All matters in connection with the collection and disbursement of the repayment fund shall be entrusted to the Labor Insurance Agency by the central competent authority. 基金之收缴有关业务,得由中央主管机关,委托劳工保险机构办理之。
- Enter the water of glue pants choose use enter the water with protection glue pants is the labor insurance things with pisciculture necessary staff. 下水胶裤的挑选使用与保护下水胶裤是养鱼人员必备的劳保用品。
- A new medical care system for all workers and employees has gradually come into effect according to the state labor insurance regulations. 一个新的卫生保健系统为所有工作者和雇员根据状态劳方保险规则逐渐生效。
- Make leather with homebred raw material waterproof agent, spray or macerate vamp make shoe of waterproof labor insurance after change. 用国产原料制成皮革防水剂,喷涂或浸渍鞋面革后制作防水劳保鞋。
- My post asks to wear labor insurance shoe, n/med beriberi is sent more serious, itch sometimes instep, do not have a law to fall asleep. 二十多年前,我们工厂 很多人患有脚气病。我的岗位要求穿劳保鞋,脚气 愈发严重,有时痒到脚背,没 法入睡。
- PP-R, PE and pieces, steel tubes processing and marketing; Retail : Hardware, paying electricity, water proofing building materials, labor insurance supplies, plastic products. pe管件、管材加工、销售;零售:五金、交电、防水建材、劳保用品、塑料制品。
- During the period of employment the Employee shall be protected with imposition of premiums and compensations of the Labor Insurance and the National Health Insurance. 雇主依法应为雇员投保劳工保险及全民健康保险,其保险费及保险给付应依劳工保险条例及全民健康保险法之规定。
- What sort of welfare facilities does your company provide?The company provides labor insurance for all its employees,as well as a fine retirement policy. 你们公司提供什么样的福利设施?
- Contracts shall be entered into in accordance with the law to prescribe the recruitment, dismissal, remuneration, welfare, labor protection, labor insurance, etc.. 合营企业职工的录用、辞退、报酬、福利、劳动保护、劳动保险等事项,应当依法通过订立合同加以规定。
- For many years, the company has majored in dealing in importing & exporting of chinaware, stones, clothes, labor insurance products and chemical material,etc. 多年来公司主营:陶瓷、石材、服装、劳保产品,化工原料等商品的进出口业务。
- He took out a fire insurance policy for his house. 他为自己的房子办理了一份火险保险单。
- During the period of employment, Employee shall join the labor insurance, for which the payment of insurance premium and the claim of insurance benefits shall be made in accordance with the provisions specified in the Labor Insurance Act of the R.O.C. 于聘雇期间内,甲方应为乙方办理加入劳工及健康保险,保险费之负担则依中华民国劳动基准法及相关法令分摊之。