- 花冠 corolla
- 花冠头饰 a coronet of flowers
- 分瓣的带有部分或全部融合的花瓣的花冠的,或以此为特性的 Having or characterizing a corolla with partially or wholly fused petals.
- 合瓣花冠 gamopetalous corolla
- 我从花店定购了一个花冠。 I ordered a wreath from the florist.
- 花心一些花的通常颜色各异的花冠的中心 The often differently colored center of the corolla of some flowers.
- 离瓣花冠 polypetalous corolla
- 唇形花冠 labiate corolla
- 钟状花冠 campanulate corolla
- 重瓣花冠 multiple corolla
- 周位花冠 perigynous corolla
- 坛状花冠 urceolate corolla
- 漏斗状花冠 funnel-shaped corolla
- 三深裂花冠 three-parted corolla
- 一种蓟般花冠,肉质叶子和心可食用。 a thistle-like flower head with edible fleshy leaves and heart.
- 不整齐合瓣花冠 irregular gamopetalous corona
- 不整齐离瓣花冠 irregular choripetalous corolla
- 金鱼草的花冠是二唇形的。 the corolla of a snapdragon is bilabiate.
- 十字形花冠 cruciferous corolla
- 副花冠 catacorolla