- labia uteri 子宫唇
- labium uteri 子宫唇
- Of or relating to the lips or labia. 唇的嘴唇的或唇状物的,或与此有关的
- Like pink petals as the labia minora? 像花瓣一样粉红的小阴唇?
- Next the labia minora are created. 下一步就是制造小阴唇。
- Did it cut off by your wife's labia? 它是否切断了你的妻子的阴唇?
- A tonguelike structure in the labium of an insect. 中唇舌昆虫唇内的像舌状结构
- Induction: Inductance having hemp is radiative to labium. 感应:有麻电感放射至下唇。
- The uteri also decrease in size, but statistically insignificant (P>0.05). 子宫体积亦减小,但无统计学意义(P>0.;05)。
- A second photograph at 24 hours shows the appearance with the labia spread. 24小时后的第二张照片显示阴唇张开时的样子。
- labium anterius orificii externi uteri 子宫颈前唇
- FemaleThe patient waits in size labium, clitoris, cervix place is most common. 女性病人则在大小阴唇、阴蒂、子宫颈等处最为常见。
- Objective:To investigate the incidence of labium fusion in female children. 目的:了解女童阴唇粘连的患病率。
- It is suited for expanding vaginae to examine uteri or douche vaginae in the department of obstetrics and gynecology. 适用于妇产科扩张阴道对子宫进行检查或冲洗阴道用。
- labium posterius orificii externi uteri 子宫颈后唇
- A second-stage labiaplasty will be necessary to hood the clitoris and create the labia minora. 第二阶段的阴唇整型手术将盖住阴蒂并创造小阴唇。
- Conclusion Squeezing the cornua uteri is the practicable way to collect the mouse endometrium. 结论挤压法是获取子宫内膜进行相关研究的理想方法。
- The incidence of carcinoma of corpus uteri is higher insenile women with longer duration of menopause. 随着绝经时间的延长和绝经后子宫出血年龄的增大,子宫内膜癌的发生率逐渐增高。
- A small band or fold of mucous membrane forming the posterior margin of the vulva and connecting the posterior ends of the labia majora. 阴唇系带一小条构成外阴后部的黏膜,连结大阴唇的后部
- Objective To study the ultrasonographic diagnostic value on the pregnancy of the cornua uteri. 目的探讨超声检查对子宫角部妊娠的诊断价值。