- I've known him since he was knee high to a grasshopper. 他很小的时候我就认识他了.
- To fall from a higher to a lower place or position. 从较高地方或位置落到落低地方或位置。
- To move from a higher to a lower part of; go down. 下降从较高部分移到较低部分;下降
- I have not seen him since I was knee - high to a grasshopper. 我很小的时候见过他以后就一直没有再见到他了。
- knee high to a bumble bee n. 身材不高
- knee high to a duck n. 身材不高
- knee high to a frog n. 身材不高
- He started reading when he was knee-high to a mosquito. 他很小的时候就开始读书。
- I haven't seen her since I was knee-high to a mosquito. 我从小时候起,就再也没见过她。
- knee high to a grasshopper n. 身材不高
- knee high to a hoptoad n. 身材不高
- knee high to a mos quito n. 身材不高
- knee high to a splinter n. 身材不高
- If you go to a private hospital you must pay. 如果你去一家私立医院就诊,你得付费。
- The lifeboat went out to a ship in distress. 救生船去救一艘遇险的船只。
- knee high to a toad n. 身材不高
- knee high to a toadfrog n. 身材不高
- He judged the distance to a nicety. 他判断距离很正确。
- Beavers seem to know just how high to make a dam. 河狸似乎知道该把堤坝筑多高正好。
- Bob rode his horse to a standstill. 鲍勃把马骑得走不动了。