- The aeroplane can go at 1200 kilometres per hour. 这飞机一个钟头能飞1200公里。
- The speed of the car was 85 kilometres per hour. 这汽车的速度是每小时85公里。
- My car can do 140 kilometres per hour. 我的汽车每小时能跑140公里。
- This car will do 180 kilometres per hour if I drive it flat out. 如果我用最高速度行驶的话,这辆汽车的时速将达到每小时160公里。
- Although the ostrich cannot fly, it can run at50 kilometres per hour. 虽然鸵鸟不会飞,但它能以每小时50公里的速度奔跑。
- One pitch at Atlanta was clocked at 118 kilometres per hour (73.3 mph). 在亚特兰大奥运会上,曾有投手投出时速为高达118公里(每小时73.;3英里)的球。
- Although the ostrich cannot fly, it can run at 50 kilometres per hour. 虽然鸵鸟不会飞,但它能以每小时50公里的速度奔跑。
- Peak gusts of 77 and 101 kilometres per hour were recorded at Central and Shek Kwu Chau respectively. 中区及石鼓洲分别录得时速达77及101公里的最高阵风。
- Until upgrades are made, trains will be forced to chug along at 120 kilometres per hour over another 22,000 kilometres. 然而;目前只有6000公里(3720英里)的铁路可以运行高速列车;而再次等级的14000公里铁路上必须严格确保按照160公里的限速运行.
- These waves can reach speeds of up to 500 kilometres per hour and cause massive devastation to anything in their path. 这些巨浪时速可高达500千米;途径之处无疑遭受毁灭性的破坏.
- The "rocket coaster" begins with an amazing launch from zero to 206 kilometres per hour in just 3.5 seconds. “火箭”过山车拥有惊人的发动力,短短3.;5秒内它就可以由零速度达到时速206公里。
- Wang J, Liu P H, Lu C P, Wang Y K, Zhang S H, Shen S F, Shen L P.Development of streptococcosis inactivated vaccine. 王建;刘佩红;陆承平;王永康;张苏华;沈素芳;沈莉萍.;猪链球菌病二联灭活疫苗的研制
- Travelling at a speed over 400 kilometres per hour, the train can complete the 30-kilometre journey in eight minutes. 译火车以每小时400千米的速度行驶,它能在8分钟内完成30千米的旅程。
- During the above periods, the existing speed limit of 70 kilometres per hour on the mentioned section of carriageway will be temporarily rescinded. 在上述期间,现时在提及车道路段实施每小时70公里的车速限制,将暂予撤销。
- H o w y o u t h i n k a b o u t a p r o b l e m i s m o r e i m p o r t a n t t h a n t h e p r o b l e m i t s e l f - s o a l w a y s t h i n k p o s i t i v e l y . 你 如 何 看 待 问 题 比 问 题 本 身 更 重 要 , 所 以 一 定 要 乐 观 思 维 。
- Sustained surface wind near its centre is estimated at 28 kilometres per hour,with minimum sea level pressure of 1008 hPa. 扰动中心风力约每小时28公里,中心最低海平面气压为1008百帕斯卡。
- Lin G H,Yang S Y,Shangguan K P et al.Different fertilizer application technology on the yield and quality of flue-cured tobacco in Longyan[J].Chin.Tobacco Sci.,2002(3):11. [11]林桂华;杨述元;上官克攀;等.;龙岩不同施肥技术对烟叶产量和质量的影响[J]
- Today, players compete for big money, wield high-tech rackets and volley the ball at speeds up to 160 kilometres per hour. 今天,运动员挥舞着高科技含量的球拍,发出时速高达160公里的球,还有机会赢取大奖。
- Ahigh fall is certainly among the speediest ways to die: terminalvelocity (no pun intended) is about 200 kilometres per hour, achievedfrom a height of about 145 metres or more. 从高空坠落也很可能迅速的死去。从145米以上的高度掉下来到地面时能达到200公里的时速。
- The flight of the shuttlecock, a missile of cork and goose feather that players volley across the net, has been recorded at speeds of 260 kilometres per hour. 羽毛球由软木和鹅毛制成,飞行的最高时速可达260公里。选手在球落地前要将其接起并打过网。