- At best, one can outline a few key characteristics. 充其量你只能大致描绘出它的一些关键特征。
- The second section identifies the key characteristics of RIA. 第二节说明RIA的基本意涵与特徵;
- This paper grasps and generalizes the key characteristics of the paradigm shift of news narration since 1990's. 摘要本文对1990年代以来的新闻叙事的范式转换特点做了提纲挈领式的概括和分析。
- One of the key characteristics of the FCPA is that it attempts outlaw payment to government officials. FCPA的关键特点是它试图将所有支付给政府官员的报酬认定为非法。
- Moller International is highlighting ease and durability as key characteristics of this truly groundbreaking craft. 穆勒国际公司强调,这架划时代飞行器的最主要特点就是舒适耐用。
- The key characteristics of MASM are veri ed and validated through the model checking technique. 利用模型检测技术,建立了验证模型关键属性的方法;
- The need to communicate is a key characteristic of human society. 需要交流是人类社会最重要的一个特征。
- Capitalism and the Triumph of Western Culture: The determinants of modern economic prosperity are geography and key characteristics of Western culture. 西方文化的胜利与资本主义:现代经济繁荣的决定因素包括地理位置也包括西方文化的关键特征。
- The intercell interference is one of the key characteristics of WCDMA systems and therefore very important to accurately model. 互区干扰是WCDMA系统的重要特性之一,因此使系统模型精确显得尤为重要。
- Founded on the hypercycle theory, this article discusses the basic generative mechanism of complex system, and deduces the key characteristics of generative systems. 文章以超循环理论为基础,讨论了复杂系统生成的基本机制,并由此推出生成性系统的重要特征。
- Thinking long-term and remaining committed are the key characteristics needed in both science and prevention in order to maximize the chance of conquering HIV. 为了使征服HIV的机会最大化,对此应有奉献精神和长期的思考,这在科技准备和HIV预防方面是特别需要的。
- One of the key characteristics of the classical denim is its smooth selvage.It is used to make pants from 16th century and even up to now, it is still very popular. 是世界上最古老的面料品种之一,从16世纪起,就被用来制成裤子,但它永远年轻,时至今日,它仍然穿在各国的人民身上。
- The conception and key characteristics of virtual prototyping technology and the advantage of using it to design the driver of 300 MN die forging hydrostatic press were discussed. 在分析传统机械设计方法中所存在的问题的基础上,论述了虚拟样机技术的概念、主要特点及其用于300MN模锻水压机接力器设计的优点。
- As one of the key characteristics financial reporting of listed companies, earnings timeliness plays an important role in contracting between company management and stakeholders. 摘要盈余及时性作为上市公司财务报告的关键特征之一,是公司治理中经理和利益相关者之间订立和履行契约的重要参考。
- A key characteristic of the broad-minded will be the ability to synthesise lots of different pieces of information. 思维开阔的人有一个关键特点,是具备综合分析大量不同信息的能力。
- Then, the geometrical feature of lips in human face is proposed to increase the accuracy and speed of lip locating. Two key characteristics were found. One is that the ratio of lip color area to that of skin color is almost unchanged. 然后利用嘴唇在人脸区域的几何分布特性 ;来提高唇动定位的速度和准确性 ;唇动定位主要利用两种几何分布特性 :(1)利用唇的区域面积和人脸的区域面积比值变化范围不大这一特性自适应确定区分唇色和肤色的阈值 .
- Subcellular localization is a key characteristic of protein functional research. 摘要蛋白质的亚细胞定位是进行蛋白质功能研究的重要信息。
- FFU's performance can be measured by the standard test and be evaluated with all key characteristics considered and will have a basis for“apples to apples”comparisons and owner specification. 新的标准测试使得FFU的性能能够得到更加全面可观的测量与评价,为用户制定产品规格性能要求和进行客观公正的产品对比提供了一个更好的基础。
- Breakdown voltage is not only a key characteristic of AC ceramic capacitors, but also the most difficult technical barrier. 击穿破坏电压是交流瓷介电容器最主要的技术参数,也是最难解决的技术难题。
- You may leave your key at the reception desk. 你可以把钥匙留在服务台。