- This is a key feature of our society. 这是我们社会的一个主要特点。
- He successfully makes the point that a key feature of differentiation is its flexibility and widespread applicability. 回答:他成功地找到了一个关键性的区别,那就是它的灵活性和广泛的适用性。
- Teamwork is a key feature of the training programme. 团队合作是这项训练计划的重要特点。
- Synchronization is a key feature of many UltraLite applications. 同步是许多UltraLite应用程序的关键功能。
- key feature points 关键特征点
- While this is a JAVA marketing phrase it is also a key feature of PHP. 这是JAVA的一句行销口号,但是它同时也是PHP的关键特性之一。
- What are the key features of Java in the database? 数据库中的Java有哪些主要功能?
- What are the key features of the SOA? 那么SOA具有那些关键特点呢?
- An approach to contour extraction and feature point detection in the 3-D fragment reassembly is proposed. 针对三维空间碎片的拼接,提出一种轮廓提取和特征点检测的方法。
- And by using the gradient vectors of the feature point, we can obtain rotate angle, major diameter and minor diameter in each subimage. (2)在各子图中由边界点梯度向量和候选形心座标,获得椭圆旋转角和长短轴比率;
- Welding seam feature point was extraced by laser vision sensing that enhanced the precision of seam identification in teleteaching. 提出了用于遥控焊接的激光视觉传感辅助遥控示教技术。
- The trifocal tensor can eliminate the wrong matches while the epipolar geometry algorithms of feature point and line match can not find them. 利用三视张量能够消除两视情况下特征点、特征线匹配算法所不能发现的错误匹配。
- The key feature: an Express Chill and Express Thaw drawer, which cools a bottle of wine or softens a frozen steak in a fraction of the normal time. 主要特色:一个特快冷冻和特快融化抽屉(它能够冷冻一瓶酒或融化一块冷冻的牛排,所用时间仅为正常时间的零头。
- Our approach is based on Key Features(KFs) and directed graph. 采用图的和运算,建立了零件公差模型。
- To resolve those problems mentioned above, in this paper the authors propose a global matching method based on combination of feature point and feature edge. 为更好地解决上述问题,本文提出了基于特征点匹配与边缘线匹配相结合的方法。
- The main steps include camera calibration, the matching of motion and stereo images, 3-D feature point correspondences and resolving the motion parameters. 其主要步骤包括相机检校、运动与立体影像的匹配、运动前后三维特征点的对应以及运动参数的求解。
- A key feature of the A3980 is the integration of Allegro's unique two-wire STEP and DIRECTION interface. A3980的其中一个关键特征是集成Allegro独特的双线式“步进”和“方向”接口。
- The log-polar transform (LPT) is utilized and an anti-rotation and anti-scale image matching algorithm is proposed based on the image edge feature point extraction. 在惯性导航系统中,定量分析了景象匹配过程中惯性导航系统漂移和无线电气压高度表测量误差对实测图的旋转和尺度所造成的影响,引入了对数极坐标变换。
- The key feature of a doubly-linked list is that you can add or remove elements anywhere in the list. 一个双链接列表的关键特征是:你可以添加或者移除在这个列表中任何位置的元素。
- It takes into account both radial and decentering distortions and uses Gaussian distribution fitting to accurately obtain the imaging centers of feature point image coordinates. 采用二次高斯曲面拟合,精确地提取像点的质心坐标。校准过程包括线性参数估计和基于最大似然估计的非线性校正。