- 斑疹病一种植物病,通常由真菌引起,在植物的叶和茎上产生小斑点 A plant disease, usually caused by fungi, that produces minute spots on leaves and stems.
- 北美的一种植物,根茎有类似齿状鳞片覆盖。 North American herb with pungent scaly or toothed roots.
- 用一种植物原料(如稻草)做的屋顶。 a house roof made with a plant material (as straw).
- 通常只有一种植物的簇叶丛生的地区。 an area thickly overgrown usually with one kind of plant.
- 类叶升麻属的一种植物,结酸的、有毒的浆果。 a plant of the genus Actaea having acrid poisonous berries.
- 纤维细胞组织一种植物组织,由有逐渐变细的尾的拉长的细胞构成,存在于支撑和引导组织中 A type of plant tissue consisting of elongated cells with tapering ends, occurring in supporting and conducting tissue.
- 匍匐生长的任何一种植物(如常春藤或蔓长春花)。 any plant (as ivy or periwinkle) that grows by creeping.
- 绒毛蓼属的任何一种植物,具有丛生的小花。 any plant of the genus Eriogonum with small clustered flowers.
- 特别在花园或草原生长的任何一种植物。 any of a variety of plants usually grown especially in a flower or herb garden.
- 一种植物,其辛辣的叶状根可食用。 plant grown for its pungent edible leafy shoots.
- 枯萎病一种植物疾病,能导致染病部分,尤指未成熟、成长中组织的突然明显枯萎和坏死 Any of numerous plant diseases resulting in sudden conspicuous wilting and dying of affected parts, especially young, growing tissues.
- 菲律宾的一种植物,出产用于制作粗麻绳的坚硬的纤维。 Philippine plant yielding a hard fibre used in making coarse twine.
- 面筋产生于谷类中的一种植物蛋白混合物,主要产生于玉米和小麦,用作粘剂和面粉替代物 A mixture of plant proteins occurring in cereal grains, chiefly corn and wheat, used as an adhesive and as a flour substitute.
- 茉莉兰属的任何一种植物,花艳丽、具有各种颜色。 any of various spectacular plants of the genus Laelia having showy flowers in many colors.
- 有时归入秋水仙科;一个种;加兰属的任何一种植物。 sometimes placed in family Colchicaceae; one species: glory lily.
- 适合作篱笆的一种植物的插条或枝条 cuttings or slips of a plant suitable for hedges
- 澳洲的高大乔木艾麻属的几种植物的任意一种。 any of several tall Australian trees of the genus Laportea.
- 北美西部的一种植物,具有草状叶和微绿色花。 plant of western North America having grasslike leaves and greenish-white flowers.
- (植物学)相当于门的一种植物分类单位。 (botany) taxonomic unit of plants corresponding to a phylum.
- 裸蕨目的一种植物;一种稀树干草原植物。 any plant of the order Psilophytales: a savannah plant.