- Their competency doesn't begin to compare. 他们的技能根本不能相比。
- Conduct Job analysis, competency model, etc. 在公司内部进行工作分析;并建立胜任素质模型.
- Their competency doesn' t begin to compare. 他们的才能根本不能相比。
- How will you validate your competency model? 如何使你的胜任素质模型真正有效?
- Their competency doesn't beginto compare. 他们的才能根本不能相比。
- Operations must become a core competency. 运营成为核心竞争力。
- Media Moralities:Competency? or Opportunity Cost? 媒体道德:竞争力?还是机会成本?
- Logistics must be managed as a core competency. 物流必须作为一个核心能力来管理。
- You cannot compet with those postgraduates. 你无法和那些研究生竞争。
- We can compet with them in terms of service. 2.;在服务方面,我们能够与他们竞争。
- No one can compet with him on this one. 吴雁泽”蓝蓝的天上“这首歌唱几十年了都。
- Do what you do best( your core competency) and outsource the rest! 现在的剧烈竞争的社会环境要求商业组织做自己最擅长的商业内容,其核心竞争力体现在只做主业,其余的尽量外包!
- Becoming a master manager a competency framework/Robert E. Quinn. 如何成为管理大师:能力框架。
- How can skill and leadership competency be developed? 如何提高技能和领导能力?
- Martians alue power, competency, efficiency, and achieement. 火星人重视力量、能力、效率和成就。
- What exactly is Personality Profiling - Competency Analysis? 什么是人格潜质-胜任力分析?
- The training of English competency of staff and its allocation. 英语人才培训及运用情形。
- Martians value power, competency, efficiency, and achievement. 火星人重视力量、力、率和成就。
- Competency Based Human resource Management, Kogan Page, London. 国立中山大学人力资源管理研究所硕士论文。
- Do what you do best (your core competency) and outsource the rest! 做你最擅长的(核心竞争力),其余的外包!