- Older quarters continued to be upgraded under a programme to refurbish some 4500 married quarters for Junior Police Officers. 约4500个旧的员佐级已婚人员宿舍单位,陆续根据一项翻新计划获得改善。
- Throughout the year,lectures and seminars on complaint prevention were organised for Junior Police Officers. 在这一年,为初级警务人员举办多个讲座和研讨会,讲述如何预防遭受投诉。
- The Force now manages 12 514 departmental quarters, of which 11 608 are for Junior Police Officers and 683 are for Inspectorate officers. 警队现时共管理12514个部门宿舍单位,其中11608个分配予员佐级警务人员,683个分配予督察级人员。
- Major facilities affected include the Field Patrol Detachment's Headquarters Depot, Queen's Hill Camp Recreation Centre and 140 Junior Police Officers' Married Quarters. 主要受影响的设施包括野外巡逻支队总部、皇后山军营的康乐中心和140个员佐级已婚警察宿舍单位。
- Throughout the year, lectures and seminars on complaint prevention were organised for Junior Police Officers. 年内,该课为初级警务人员举办多个讲座和研讨会,讲述如何预防遭受投诉。
- They provided 1237 high-quality quarters, replacing 534 very old Junior Police Officers quarters at sites on Hollywood Road and Canton Road. 新建宿舍提供1237个优质单位,补替原本位于荷李活道和广东道的534个旧宿舍单位。
- The Force now manages 12 514 departmental quarters,of which 11 608 are for Junior Police Officers and 683 are for Inspectorate officers. 警队现时共管理12514个部门宿舍单位,其中11608个分配予员佐级警务人员,683个分配予督察级人员。
- They provided 1237 high-quality quarters,replacing 534 very old Junior Police Officers quarters at sites on Hollywood Road and Canton Road. 新建宿舍提供1237个优质单位,补替原本位于荷李活道和广东道的534个旧宿舍单位。
- Major facilities affected include the Field Patrol Detachment's Headquarters Depot,Queen's Hill Camp Recreation Centre and 140 Junior Police Officers'Married Quarters. 主要受影响的设施包括,野外巡逻支队总部、皇后山军营的康乐中心和140个员佐级已婚警察宿舍单位。
- The SCDS also recommended a reduction in the number of entry points, and pay improvement to junior police officers to recognise their heavier and wider range of responsibilities. 纪常会亦建议减少员佐级人员的入职薪点数目,并提高他们的薪酬,以承认初级警务人员的职责较为繁重。
- Junior Police Officers who are qualified in accordance with HKAPF Standing Orders and who have passed the Force Selection Board for promotion to inspector will attend this course. 初级警务人员根据香港辅助警队常规命令取得资格及获警队遴选委员会批准晋升督察,需参与辅警督察晋升课程。
- In 1997,the Police Force secured 66 per cent of the Civil Service Special Housing Quota for Disciplined Services to facilitate Junior Police Officers who were approaching retirement to acquire public housing. 警队在一九九七年共取用66%25的纪律部队公务员特别房屋配额,协助行将退休的员佐级警务人员入住公共房屋。
- In 1997, the Police Force secured 66 per cent of the Civil Service Special Housing Quota for Disciplined Services to facilitate Junior Police Officers who were approaching retirement to acquire public housing. 警队在一九九七年共取用66%25的纪律部队公务员特别房屋配额,协助行将退休的员佐级警务人员入住公共房屋。
- The police officer shielded the child with her body. 那警察用她的身体保护了小孩。
- The police officer took in every detail of the room at a glance. 警官一眼就把屋里每一个地方都看到了。
- A, sharp-eyed police officer spotted the stolen car. 那个目光敏锐的警察发现了那辆被盗的汽车。
- The supposed beggar was really a police officer in disguise. 那个众人眼中的乞丐,其实是化了装的警察。
- He got two years' imprisonment for assaulting a police officer. 他因袭击警察而遭两年监禁。
- Review on Recruitment and Retention of Junior Police Officers 招募及挽留初级警务人员检讨
- At the sight of the police officer they run off. 一看见那些警官,他们便逃跑了。