- And what are the problems with judicial practice? 目前在司法实践中存在哪些问题?
- Norms of Judicial Practice of Intellectual Property II. 知识产权审判规范2。
- GFD is being violated frequently in judicial practice. 在司法实践中,诚信原则屡遭违反。
- All these problems should be resolved by legislation and judicial practice. 这些问题都需要立法和实践予以进一步明确。
- However, checked from the legislation goal and the judicial practice request, this stipulation still has many problems. 然而,从立法目的及司法实务要求的视角出发,这一规定尚存在诸多问题。
- There is a tendency that international customs are used indiscriminately in judicial practice of delivery of cargo without B/L in China. 在我国无单放货的审判实践中,存在对国际惯例适用泛化、工具化的倾向。
- But in USA and European Economic Community, the internal legislation is different from the concrete judicial practice. 然而 ,作为反倾销措施适用最多的美国与欧共体 ,其国内立法和具体司法实践仍有很大不同 ,加上新的反倾销守则在诸如反规避措施的规定上未达成一致意见。
- With the improvement of legislation, we should pay inure attention to putting into judicial practice. 随着立法的不断完善,在司法审判实践中要求更好地予以贯彻执行。
- In maritime judicial practice, there is much dissension and oppugn on the issue. 在海事司法实践中,对于海上货物运输中的迟延交付问题存在着大量的争执和质疑。
- Ultra vires doctrine has shown the tendency of decline in the course of legislation and judicial practice. 逾越权能原则在各国立法和司法实践中有日趋衰微的趋势。
- Litigious swindling is a new act that harms the society. This act has appeared in judicial practice in recent years. 诉讼诈骗现象是近年来司法实践中出现的一种新类型的危害社会的行为。
- However, the attitude of relevant laws and judicial practice of China towards the multi-protection is inexplicit. 中国法和中国判例对多重保护的态度不明朗。
- During the judicial practice, the judgment of the consciousness often infers from the object situation. 在司法实践中,对明知的认定大都根据客观实际情况予以推定。
- Such development tendency should be concerned by our legislation and judicial practice. 这种发展趋势应在我国立法和司法实践中予以关注。
- Unearthing the theory foundation will bring benefit to our judicial practice of developing rule of law in society. 试图从司法实际中去发现它们的理论真相,从而有益于我国建设法治社会的立法实践。
- Cardozo's philosophy of common law was based on his judicial practice, and affected by the pragmatism and other sociological jurisprudence. 系统研究卡多佐法官的法律哲学,有助于深入思考转型时期法律与社会的关系以及法官的权力配置和功能发挥等问题。
- Indeed, in judicial practice to the operation of the possible difficulties, have increased the difficulty of judges handling cases. 诚然,这在司法实践中给操作可能带来一定困难,增大了法官办案的难度。
- Making agent provocateur legalized will provide a sound legal basis for judicial practice and maintain the law"s authority and dignity. 并且为司法实践提供完善的法律依据,更好发挥刑事法律的规制功能,维护法律的权威和尊严。
- Affirming its rationality in legislating and judicial practice will contribute to improvment of the public's environmental awareness and the perfect... 在立法和司法实践中肯定其合理性,有助于提高公众的环境意识和促进环境法律制度的完善。
- This article, closely concentrating on the three conditions, deploys the discussion in connection with the judicial practice. 本文紧紧围绕这三个要件,结合审判实践展开论述。