- So many of his family have died here mys teriously. 他家族中的那么多人都在这儿神秘地死去了。
- I don't know why i am thinking mys... 个人介绍 Guys its me fawad afshar.
- In fact, some people English level was poor than mys, but they all dare speak in English. 在机关和学校工作过,在企业当过厂长,做过私营企业主,做过保险推销员。
- I said to mys lf: `Blondeau, my love, you wilh not get the very smallest sort of an execution to-day. 我心里想:勃隆多,我的好宝贝,你今天总不会有开刀的机会了。
- Mahalanobis-Taguchi System (MYS) is a new method for studyingmultidimensional system, and it can be used to measure the degree of abnormality byconstructing and optimizing the measurement scale. 马氏田口是研究多元系统的一种新方法,它通过建立与优化测量表,测量观测值的异常程度,并进而采取相应的有效措施。
- Spell of Love 2.lady on Fire3.Touch of Desire4.midnight interlude5.endless journey6.dancing by mys 吕秀龄:情咒(琵琶专辑)(磁带...11.10元[瞧瞧卓越音乐有没有
- MYS (=myasthenic syndrome) 肌无力综合征症
- Mysíková 米西科娃
- Mysík 米西克
- 3,1) as mys from tbl1; select round(字段1/2.