- Natural rock joint surface profiles belong to fractal category. 自然岩石节理表面轮廓线可以看作为分形曲线。
- When inspection, maintenance, re-installation, should guarantee each jointing surface in the valve closely cooperate, descending and ascending of the discs are flexible. 在检查维护重新安装时,应保证阀内各接合面严密配合,阀盘升降灵活。
- It is shown that the irregularity of the joint surface apparently affects the stress wave transmission. 研究结果表明:节理面不规则结构明显地影响应力波的传播性质。
- The shape and area of the joint surface of 30 patella and tibial condyles were observed and evaluated. 观测30块髌骨和胫骨内外侧髁上关节面的形态和面积。
- Results All 28 patients ob-tained the complete osteanagenesis,and smooth digree of joint surface on X-ray was fine. 结果28例均达骨性愈合;X线片示关节面平整度良好;术后关节功能优良率达92.;8%25。
- Use the ruler and the feeler to inspect whether the joint surface of the cylinder head is deformed. 利用直尺和塞尺检查气缸头的结合面是否有变形。
- Joint Roughness Coefficient (JRC ) is an equivalent index which describes mechanical effect of rock joint surface angle of ascent. JRC是反映爬坡角力学效应的岩体结构面表面形态等效描述指标。
- Based on the fractal geometry theory,Weierstrass-Mandelbrot function was used to simulate the rock joint surface with different roughness. 通过节理面粗糙度测量、张开度模拟、节理渗流试验及有限元数值分析,探讨了岩石节理复杂的水力特性。
- Methods Traditional X-ray films,CT scan and 3D CT reconstruction were performed in 70 cases with fracture joint surface involved . 方法 对 70例关节内骨折病人采用X线摄片、CT扫描和三维CT重建检查 ,选择最佳治疗方案。
- Results In the male specimens, the average percentages of the excised sacroiliac joint surface area at the level of the supe... 2例(9.;09%25)经第3骶后孔上缘可切除约9%25的关节面。结论经第3骶后孔上缘水平切除骶骨对骶髂关节的稳定性影响不大。
- Based on the fundamental parameters at unit joint surface, a finite element method was proposed, which anlysized joint characteristics on guideway. 基于结合面特性参数,提出了机床导轨结合部特性仿真分析的有限元方法,通过该方法可以建立机床整机性能分析的有限元模型。
- Objective: To provide anatomic basis for repairing the knee joint surface defect with the pedicled patella translocation. 摘要目的:为带血管蒂髌骨移位修复股骨髁和胫骨髁关节面缺损提供解剖学基础。
- When re-install the fire resistant layer core, should guarantee the jointing surfaces are tight and without leakage. 重新安装阻火层芯子时应保证各接合面严密无泄漏。
- Then subluxate the talus and malleolus laterally to reach the joint surfaces. 然后将距骨及内膘踝向外侧半脱位,显露关节面。
- Firstly, the material, which have already been chosen and cut, are dressed and polished by high-precision jointing machine and planer, and the jointing surface of material should be smooth, so that workers can joint the materials. 首先,要将选切好的毛料在高精度的修边机、刨料机上分别进行修边和刨光处理,要将木料的拼合面处理至平整光滑后,才能进行拼合。
- Joint surfaces of the columns do not show slickensides or any evidence of movement. 柱状节理面上未见断层擦痕或任何移动的证据。
- The copper is disseminated in small joint surfaces and cracks in the porphyries. 铜浸染在斑岩的细小节理面和裂隙中。
- The ratio of energy dissipation W(subscript J)/W(subscript I) increases nonlinearly with increment of fractal dimension D of the jointed surface. 节理岩石的能量耗散比W(下标J)/W(下标I)随节理面分维值D增大而增加,两者呈非线性关系;
- The joint surface normal stress is worked out and then the minimum sleeve press-in force, by which tightening bolt number is determined, ensuring that the sleeve is fastened and the desired torque is delivered. 根据结合面的压强计算了压入衬套所需的最小压入力,并依此确定紧固螺钉的数量,以确保压牢衬套,满足传递扭矩的需要。
- Conclusions: Pedicled patella can be transposed to medial or lateral condyles of tibia and femur.It can be used for repairing knee joint surface defect and reserving the knee function utmostly. 结论:带血管蒂髌骨可以移位至股骨内外侧髁、或胫骨内外侧髁,利用髌骨的关节面修复股骨髁或胫骨髁关节面缺损,以期最大限度保留膝关节的功能。