- item bank building 题库建设
- Haier spent $15million to buy the former Greenwich Bank building. 这个总部是海尔耗资1500万美元购买的前格林尼治银行的大楼。
- The Deutsche Bank building was irreparably damaged when the towers fell. 世贸中心坍塌将德意志银行大楼彻底摧毁。
- In the 70s it was often bank buildings. 70年代多是银行大楼。
- In the first part of the article, the author introduces the theory and practice of Item Bank buliding and educational assessement in CAT and also the development of CAT worldwide. 本文首先介绍了计算机辅助测试的题库建设理论,教育测量理论和实践,以及计算机辅助测试在国内外的发展和应用情况。
- Another bank building a strategic toehold in Hong Kong is Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd. 另一家在香港银行业建立战略立足点的银行是三菱东京UFJ银行(BankofTokyo-MitsubishiUFJ)。
- He's just announced that his company has bought that prime piece of real estate next to the Intercontinental Bank building on Sunrise Boulevard. 他刚才宣布,他的公司买了日出大马路洲际银行旁边那幅黄金房地产。
- It makes repeated work and wasted resources that every item bank is only depended on by special proposition system and examination system resulting from tradition item-bank's deferent structure. 传统题库的异构性,使得各个题库仅信赖于特定的某个命题系统和考试系统,这样造成一定的重复劳动,浪费资源。
- A bank building needs reinforcement and rectification because of uneven settlement caused by vicinal construction of underground pipeline. 某银行营业楼由于临近地下管道施工引起不均匀沉降,造成倾斜超过国家规定标准,需进行加固纠偏处理。
- Lin, J. J., &Wu, Y. Y. (2007). Developing an item bank of fraction concepts. Paper presented at the Pacific Rim Objective Measurement Symposium (PROMS), July 17-19, 2007. Jia-Yi, Taiwan. 林俊吉与吴毓莹(2007)。儿童分数概念能力之探究。论文发表于2007国小数学认知与评量研讨会,2007年6月15日。屏东,台湾:屏东教育大学。
- However, in the completely empty bank building, some restaurant has used such advertisement language: “where places the money, where in opens mouth. 然而,在空空如也的银行大楼里,有一家餐馆用了这样的广告语:“把钱放在哪儿,就在哪儿张嘴。”
- Meanwhile, it has also been put forward that the mathematical model of multimedia item bank for English Majors should transfer itself from Classical Test Theory (CTT) to Item Response Theory (IRT). 本文同时指出 ,专业英语多媒体试题库的发展方向应由经典测试理论(CTT)数学模型逐步过渡到试题响应理论 (IRT)数学模型。
- Nevertheless, I’ll follow the lead of a restaurant that opened in an empty bank building and then advertised: “Put your mouth where your money was. 不过,我将像一家在曾经的银行大楼里开的餐厅所做的广告那样:“把你的嘴放在你原来放钱的地方。”
- Charlene: He's just announced that his company has bought that prime piece of real estate next to the Intercontinental Bank building on Sunrise Boulevard. 沙琳:他刚才宣布,他的公司买了日出大马路洲际银行旁边那幅黄金房地产。
- Several days later, the HSBC Bank building in Istanbul was bombed. Explosions also rocked the British consulate, killing at least 25 people and wounding about 400. 数天之后,位于伊斯坦布尔的汇丰银行大厦发生爆炸,至少造成25人死亡、400人受伤。爆炸事件震惊了驻伊斯坦布尔的英国领事馆。
- Charlene: He's just announced that his company has bought that prime piece of real estate next to the Intercontinental Bank building on Sunrise Boulevard . 沙琳:他刚才宣布,他的公司买了日出大马路洲际银行旁边那幅黄金房地产。
- The anarchist had tried to rob a bank our all by himself, but then he had ran outof ammunition and now he was trapped in a back portion of the bank building with no espace. 这名无政府主义者想自己一个人抢劫一个银行,但后来他没了弹药,被困在银行大楼的后面无处可逃。
- Please verify each item you have pricked down. 请把你已用小记号标出的每一个项目核对一下。
- The design and implement of voice item bank system 语音题库系统的设计和实现
- Now we'll get on to the next item on the agenda. 现在我们来讨论下一项议程。