- iron and zinc codoping 铁锌复合掺杂
- Chelated minerals; magnesium, calcium, iron and zinc. 螫合化矿物质、镁、钙、铁和锌。
- They also had higher levels of beneficial minerals such as iron and zinc. 它们还能够增加一些有益于身体的矿物质,诸如铁和锌。
- Bordeaux nutritional protective powder (BNPP for short) had evident effects on iron and zinc deficiency. 波尔多液营养保护剂(Bordeaux nutritional protective powder简称:BNPP)对于矫治植物缺铁、锌症状有显著效果。
- In addition, grain iron and zinc concentratrion traits were controlled by multigene. 绝大多数杂交粳稻稻米铁、锌含量居于双亲的含量之间,但是也发现铁、锌含量明显超亲的组合。
- The tannin in tea and coffee inhibits the absorption of iron and zinc from the diet. 茶叶和咖啡中的单宁酸会阻碍日常饮食中铁和锌的吸收。
- Using corn, soybean, skimmed milk powder as main raw materials, the authors produced enriching nutrition powder with iron and zinc by cook processing. 以玉米、大豆、脱脂奶粉为主要原料,用膨化加工手段生产铁锌强化营养粉。
- Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc. 黄铜是铜和锌的合金。
- Brass is formed by the fusion of copper and zinc. 黄铜是由铜和锌熔合制成的。
- Results:The levels of iron and zinc in the hair of RRI patients,their peripheral blood CD + 4 cell percentage,and their CD + 4/CD + 8 cell proportionality are obviously lower than those in normal patients. 外周血CD+ 4细胞百分率明显减低 ,CD+ 4/CD+ 8细胞比值降低。
- Grain iron and zinc concentrations of rice were analyzed with 290 rice germplasms and 134 rice lines, including japonica hybrids, corresponding restorers, maintainers (CMS-D1system). 本研究首次分析了290份水稻种质和134份滇型杂交粳稻及其亲本(恢复系、保持系)稻米铁、锌矿质元素含量。
- In FAAS method, to detrming iron and zinc the displacement of ashing method by suspension technique for the sample pretreatments of pig kidneys and pork liver is possible.This method was convenient. 用悬浮液技术取代灰化法处理猪肾及猪肝样品,以FAAS法测定铁、锌是可行的,方法简便。
- Iron and steel are of great use. 钢和铁有很大的用处。
- An alloy composed of lead, tin, and zinc. 铅锡锌化合物由铅、锡和锌组成的一种合金
- Its complete product (iron and zinc calcium, vitamin tablets, Ejiao blood, waste discharging and youth keeping capsules, Run capsule, amino acids, glucose tablets VC, calcium series. 其产品齐全(铁锌钙片、维生素片、阿胶补血、排毒养颜胶囊、润通胶囊、氨基酸、葡萄糖VC片、钙片系列。
- Lead, iron, copper, tin, and zinc are base metals. 铅、铁、铜、锡和锌都是基本金属。
- A magnet attracts both iron and steel. 磁铁吸铁也吸钢。
- The fusion of copper and zinc makes the metal brass. 铜和锌的熔化制成黄铜。
- China has a wealth of coal, iron and other minerals. 中国有丰富的煤、铁和其它矿产资源。
- The fusion of copper and zinc make the metal brass. 铜和锌的熔化制成黄铜。