- invariant angular momentum 不变角动量
- In this chapter we will discuss angular momentum. 本章将讨论角动量。
- Angular momentum is an axial vector quantity. 角动量是一种轴矢量。
- The total angular momentum of an atomic nucleus. 原子核的角动量之总和。
- Angular Momentum Transports by Moving Spiral Waves. 移动螺旋波角动量传输。
- A quantum number expressing spin angular momentum. 量子数:表示自旋角动量的量子数。
- Angular momentum makes the world go round. 角动量使地球旋转。
- Angular momentum conservation is based on the isotropy of space. 角动量守恒是以空间的各向同性为基础的。
- A swarm of planets absorbed most of the available angular momentum. 一大群行星吸收了大部分有效角动量。
- Angular momentum can accompany nonrotational motion. 非旋转的运动可能伴随着有角动量。
- In undisturbed inertial motion, the angular momentum is constant. 在无扰动惯性运动中,角动量是恒定的。
- Axial Angular Momentum: Vertical Fluxes and Response to Torques. 轴角动量:垂直通量和对扭矩的反应。
- Any rotating body has an angular momentum about its center of mass. 任何旋转的物体在其质心附近都有一个角动量。
- Prove that Planck's constant has dimensions of angular momentum. 试证明蒲克常的单位与角动相同.
- The precise definition of the angular momentum of a body is complicated. 要给物体的角动量下精确的定义是困难的。
- Hence a full subshell has zero angular momentum and is spherically symmetric. 于是,一个已经填满的支壳层的角动量为零,并且是球面对称的。
- In Chap. 6 we shall generalize the discussion and take up angular momentum. 在第六章中我们将推广这一讨论,而且还将考虑角动量。
- In many cases, the movement is rotational, thus creating angular momentum. 在很多情况下,运动包括旋转,因此产生角动量。
- It is traditional to take L2 as the component of angular momentum that will be specified along with L2. 习惯上取L2做为与L2同时确定的角动量分量。
- The instability would invariably cause a turbulent flow that would transport angular momentum outward and dissipate gravitational binding energy. 这个不稳定性一定可造成乱流,向外传送角动量,并消耗重力束缚能。