- Helper on the phone, the connector person This is your international operator, which country can I help you call? 我是国际接线员,你想要和那个国家通话?
- The majority of Coke's sales are from its international operations. 可口可乐大部分的销售额都是在国际市场上实现的。
- They were babes in the woods when it came to international operations. 他们这些人对于搞国际性企业,简直一窍不通。
- Spin often interferes with internal operation of liquid rockets. 液体火箭的旋转常常会干扰其内部工作。
- international operator direct calling 国际话务员直接呼叫
- An inconsistency was detected during an internal operation. 在内部操作期间检测到不一致性。
- Suspended mainly because the internal operation of TOSE problem. 停航主要是因为东星内部经营出了问题。
- Currently over 450 American franchisers have international operations and more than 1,000 plan to go international over the next five years. 目前,有超过450家美国特许权持有人已经开拓了国际市场,目前还有超过1000家的企业也有计划在5年内走向国际市场。
- S.H.Hymer.The International Operations of National Firms:A Study of Foreign Direct Investment[M],Cambrige:MIT Press,1960. 冯宗宪;柯大钢.;开放经济下的国际贸易壁垒--变动效应、影响分析、政策研究[M]
- Hymer, S., The International Operation of National Firms: A Study of Direct Investment, Ph.D. Thesis, M.I.T., Cambridge, Mass., 1960. 蔡宗恒,加入世界贸易组织对两岸银行业的影响分析及金融互动问题之研究,硕士论文,国立东华大学公共行政研究所,花莲,2003。
- He is president of both Xanadu Inc, which he runs with his full-partner wife Qi Haiting, and Ningxia Ruby Goji Co (international operations). 他同时是他和他的合伙人妻子齐海婷开的世外桃源有限公司和宁夏红宝石枸杞公司(国际业务)的董事长。
- Since the acquisition, Nomura has continued to expand its international operations aggressively, recruiting teams of bankers from rivals. 自那次收购以来,野村不断积极扩张其国际业务,从竞争对手那里招募银行家团队。
- Newfield has focused its international operations in Asia ,which are expected to be a large component of our future growth in reserves and production. 公司重点放在亚洲地区的国际作业,预计亚洲地区将成为新田石油在储量与产量方面的未来增长点。
- Wal-Mart’s international operations have endured some high-profile setbacks this year, however, as the retailer pulled out of South Korea and Germany. 但是;沃尔玛的国际并购在今年已经遭遇了一些重大挫折;比如说该零售巨头就从南朝鲜和德国撤出.
- JAL said Tuesday it expects its international operations to continue as normal, though some details may need to be sorted out. 日本航空公司周二称,预计其国际业务将继续照常运营,但仍需解决一些细节问题。
- The kidnapping caused an international incident. 这一绑架事件引起了国际纠纷。
- As recently as the early nineties, however, Acer, and Shih in particular, were the frequent targets of criticism for being overly ambitious in their international operations. 然而,早在九十年代初期,宏碁集团,特别是施先生本人,因在国际运作上过于锋芒毕露,常成为众矢之的。
- The country violated the international agreement. 这个国家违反了国际协议。