- The International Education Trade 国际教育贸易
- A Study of the Strategy for the International Education Trade in Running Overseas University in the Chinese Language 高等学校实施海外华文办学的国际教育贸易战略研究
- international education trade 跨国教育贸易
- Trade in international education services evolves from non-profit international cooperation and exchanges in education. 国际教育服务贸易从公益性的教育国际交流与合作演变而来。
- Shenyang Intitute of Engineering International Education Dep. 沈阳工程学院国际教育部。
- How did you hear about the International Education Program at VSB? 你从何处知悉温哥华学校局国际教育课程的资料?
- Jarrod, an Australian teacher, has original understanding in English teaching, with the Master’s degree in International Education and Diplomacy and Trade and Bachelor’s degree of Business. 教师资历: Jarrod 是一位澳大利亚老师,他是国际教育学和外交学硕士,商务学士。
- Soon the story was picked up by the national higher education trade publication Inside Higher Ed, which caught the attention of the accreditor that oversees Fort Hays. 很快,全国高等教育商业出版物InsideHigherEd报道了该故事,引起了监管FortHays的认证机构。
- Yesterday, 2008 Chinese international educational expos in country trade development. 昨天,2008中国国际教育展在国贸开展。
- Thank you for your interest in the Study Abroad Times and the International Education Exchange Center. 多谢您对国外就读时报和国际教育交流中心的兴趣。
- Therdore M. Vestal, International Education: Its History and Promise, Praeger Publishers, 1994, page from 209 to 216. 杨福家.;博学笃志--知识经济与高等教育[M]
- This international education exhibition is the largest one in China and many world-famous universities will come. 这是中国最大规模的国际教育博览会,很多国际知名大学都会参加。
- The Institute of International Education has been organizing United States Higher Education Fairs in Asia since 1982. 自1982年以来,国际教育协会一直以亚洲组织美国高等教育展。
- The Fulbright Scholarship, sponsored by the Institute of International Education. 台湾大学硕士奖学金,中华民国教育部提供。
- For my part , in the realm of international education, I want to make a little mews today. 我们如何能通过教育的国际合作来创造一个更没好的世界。
- The Institute of International Education says more foreign students go to USC than any other American university. 国际教学协会称:来USC的外国学生比去美国其他大学的要多。
- The institute of international education said, more foreign students go to USA than any other American university. 国际教育协会说,在该校的外国大学生比美国其它院校的都多。
- The idea of life-long education was put forward by the International Education and Development Committee of UNESCO in the 1970s. 终身教育的理念是 2 0世纪 70年代由联合国教科文组织国际教育发展委员会提出的。
- The return of the students studied in Europe or America, and the coming of Dewey, the famous educator and thinker, brought the education trade a fresh brecze, and impelled the development of various kinds of thoughts. 伴随着一批留学欧美的留学生归国,伴随着著名教育家、思想家杜威的来华,给沉闷的思想文化教育界带来一股清新的空气,像催化剂一般促使五四时期各种思潮涌动。