- VSIZE returns the number of bytes in the internal representation of expr. 返回内部表示的字节的数目。
- Returns the internal representation of the current fixed-point number. 返回当前定点数值的内部表示形式。
- And new, real-time action is overlaid on that internal representation. 而最新、即时的作用,则被内在的符号所覆盖。
- The runtime uses the access mode of a dynamic assembly to optimize the assembly's internal representation. 运行库使用动态程序集的访问模式优化程序集的内部表示形式。
- The stored procedure returns a handle to the internal representation of the XML document. 该存储过程将返回XML文档的内部表示形式的句柄。
- Created at installation time, these files store an internal representation of the system classes. 这些文件在安装时创建,保存着系统类的内部表示方式。
- Uniform access frees clients from internal representation choices in their suppliers. 统一存取从其供应者的内部表示法选择中释放了客户端。
- A simple table associates the string describing a pattern to its corresponding internal representation. 一个简单的表将描述一个模式的字符串关联到它相应的内部表示。
- More importantly, properties allow you to separate an object's public interface from the internal representation of its data. 更重要的是,属性允许您将对象的公共接口与其数据的内部表示相分离。
- The internal representation of an XML document can be removed from memory by calling the sp_xml_removedocument system stored procedure. 通过调用sp_xml_removedocument系统存储过程可以从内存中删除XML文档的内部表示形式。
- The internal representation of a floating-point number, including the format and precision of the significand and the format and range of the exponent, is implementation defined. 一个浮点数目的内部表示法;包含格式和有效的精确度及格式和指数的范围;是实作自订的.
- Neural activity, triggered by the eye, forms an image in the brain's memory system that constitutes an internal representation of the viewed object. 由眼睛触发的神经活动在大脑的记忆系统形成一形象,该形象对于被目睹之物构成一种内心再现图像。
- In 1918, the name was changed to World RPS Club to reflect the growing international representation and its headquarters moved from London to Toronto. 1918年,俱乐部更名为“世界石头、剪子、布俱乐部”,以彰显其日益扩大的国际影响力,而它的总部也有伦敦迁到了多伦多。
- Sensorimotor (0-2) : development from purely reflexive behaviour to the beginnings of internal representation, or symbolism. 感知运动阶段(0-2):发展从单纯的反思行为的内部表示,或象征的开端。
- The HEX display corresponds to the internal representation of the value and is not the same as the hexadecimal notation in the C programming language. 这是一种16进制双精度的表示方法,是把内存中对应的数值直接当作16进制数据显示。
- She was chosen by lot to represent us. 她抽中签当我们的代表。
- In fact, the Application Developer documentation contains the best description of the internal representation of the XMI object model that these files use. 实际上,Application Developer文档包含这些文件使用的XMI对象模型的内部表示的最好描述。
- The red lines on the map represent railways. 这张地图上的红线代表铁路。
- Entries are stored in order of their internal representation, not necessarily the same as what you see on screen when you SELECT the columns from a table. 项目是根据内部表示的顺序存储的,并不需要与你从表中SELECT列时在屏幕上看到的一致。
- The internal representation of an XML document must be removed from memory by calling the sp_xml_removedocument system stored procedure to free the memory. 必须通过调用sp_xml_removedocument系统存储过程从内存中删除以内部形式表示的XML文档来释放内存。