- internal caused fire 内因火灾
- internal cause fire 内因火灾
- internally caused fire 内因火灾
- Causing or capable of causing fire. 引火的导致或可以导致着火的
- External causes become operative through internal causes. 外因通过内因而起作用。
- Contact with combustible material may cause fire. 与可燃物料接触可能引起火灾;
- Cause fire is the Devil's only friend. 因为火焰是魔鬼唯一的伙伴。
- Poor electrical connection may cause fire or damage to appliances. 接触不良可能会引发火灾或电器损害。
- Generally, asthma can be divided into two types( external caused and internal caused asthma): most external caused asthma cases are intaking allergy source, but there is unknow reason for internal caused asthma. 气喘可大略分为外因性气喘及内因性气喘两大类:外因性气喘多因吸入过敏原所引起,而内因性气喘则原因不明。
- Those whose blunder causes fire but has not resulted in heavy losses. 过失引起火灾,尚未造成严重损失的。
- Air leakage of a stopper will cause fire during distilling combustibles. 蒸馏易燃物时塞子漏气引起火灾。
- Firecrackers often cause fire and explosion, killing and injuring many people. 鞭炮经常发生爆炸事故,造成大量人员死伤。
- Pyros are immune to fire damage and all of their attacks cause fire damage. 火焰兵对火焰系伤害免疫,并能造成火焰系伤害。
- The cause of collision of library human resources manage cover internal cause and external cause. 摘要图书馆伦理冲突的原因主要是内外两方面。
- Roughness of the skin can be caused by bad diet. 饮食不好可能引起皮肤粗糙。
- The large coarsened martensite and grainy bainite are the internal causes of brittlement. 粗大的马氏体和焊接过程产生的粒状贝氏体是脆化的内在原因.
- This article discusses the internal cause permeability and unitly of Cauchy inequality in different fields. 摘要讨论了柯西不等式在不同领域的内通性、渗透性和统一性。
- Artillery fire caused heavy loss. 炮火造成重大损失。
- The internal cause includes polarity variation, inbred variation, instability of hybridization and gene mutation. 内因主要包括极性发生变异、自交产生的变异、杂交种性不稳定和基因突变;
- How does Welty employ a form of dialogue to analyze the external and internal causes of the Vaughns’ failures? 韦尔蒂是如何借用对话的形式来分析沃恩家族失败的内外因的?