- working interest (石油业的) 开采利益
- interest test (人事管理用词) 兴趣测验
- life interest (指非世袭的财产) 终身财产所有权
- 对于化学他既没经验也没兴趣(很少用nor interest)。 He has no experience or interest (less frequently nor interest ) in chemistry.
- 感兴趣区域ROI(Region of Interest)编码是正在制订的静止图像压缩国际新标准JPEG2000支持的一种创新方法。 Region Of Interest (ROI) coding is one of the innovative functionalities supported by JPEG2000.In this paper, we give a promethean coding method based on the embedded coding theory: a ROI image coding algorithm based on SPIHT.
- 感兴趣区域(Region-of-interest,ROI)编码技术,即在图像中的感兴趣区域采用低压缩比的有损压缩,甚至无损压缩; Region-of-interest (ROI) image coding technique means to compress interestingregions in an image without loss or with little loss, and to compress uninteresting(background) regions with much loss.
- 为提高用户会话聚类的准确性,充分利用页面路径的相似性,提出了基于兴趣点的会话相似性测量方法IPB(interest-point based). To improve the accuracy of clustering in Web sessions,by fully utilizing the URL path similarity,a new method of measuring similarity of sessions is proposed,viz. IPB(interest-point based).
- 感兴趣区域ROI (Region of Interest)图像编码处理是联合图像专家组(JPEG)新推出的JPEG2000静态图像压缩标准中提供的一种新特性。 Region-Of-Interest (ROI) image coding is a new feature in the newly published JPEG2000 still image compression standard.
- 轻型手提式凿岩机