- integrated services terminal 综合业务终端
- Thethirdfocusis on the development of integrated services. 三是高度重视集成业务的开发。
- A new integrated services digital PABX is introduced in this paper. 该PABX是一种适用于ISDN的数字交换系统,采用当前国际上最新推出的VLSI芯片设计而成。
- What kind of integrated services you are planning to use? 需要利用哪种类型的服务?
- To start benefiting from our fully integrated services, call us today. 今天打电话给我们,享受我们全程的一体化服务。
- The management that is worthy of trust, provide high quality total integrated services to total customers satisfaction. 值得信赖的专业管理,提供高品质的全程服务,让每一位客户满意。
- I started working for Schlumberger in 1993 as a Project Engineer in Charge of Integrated Services for Anadrill. 我在1993年开始为Schlumberger工作,时任项目工程师,主管Anadrill的集成业务。
- In the Server type box, select Integration Services. 在“服务器类型”框中,选择“Integration Services”。
- An Integration Services destination must have at least one input. 一个Integration Services目标必须具有至少一个输入。
- Window is specific to Integration Services projects. 窗口是特定于Integration Services项目的窗口。
- Integration Services includes a task that sends e-mail messages. Integration Services包含发送电子邮件的任务。
- Integration Services packages can be digitally signed. Integration Services包可以进行数字签名。
- Integration Services supports breakpoints on containers and tasks. Integration Services支持容器和任务上的断点。
- The Integration Services Expression Language converts True to -1. Integration Services表达式语言将True转换为-1。
- ISDN(Integrated Services Digitat Network)now is the latest trend of Communication development in the world. ISDN(综合业务数字网:Integrated Services Digital Network)是目前世界上通信发展的最新趋势。
- ATM is one of the key techniques for implementing Broadband Integrated Services Digital Network(B-ISDN). ATM是实现宽带综合业务数字网(B-ISDN)的关键技术之一。
- Which encapsulation methods are most commonly used with dialup integrated services Digital Network (ISDN)? 在一线通中一般使用哪两种数据封装方式?
- So B-ISDN (Broad Integrated Service Digital Network) comes into being. 于是产生了B-ISDN (宽带综合业务数字网)技术。
- Using IP and TDM bus, MSAN system is an integrated services access network with IP technology as core and provided with transition to NGN. MSAN系统是以IP技术为内核的综合业务接入网系统,采用IP+TDM业务总线,具备向NGN过渡的能力。
- In addition, the system can realize some integrated services, such as digital TV Set Top Box(STB) and Near Video On Demand(NVOD). 此外,该平台兼具实现了数字机顶盒接入、NVOD等多种综合业务。