- The result is an integer representing the integer quotient of the two operands, with the remainder discarded. 结果是一个整数,表示两个操作数的整数商,余数被丢弃。
- His intelligence quotient is very high. 他的智商很高。
- He got a small quotient of his father's property. 他得到了他父亲财产的一小部分。
- integer quotient 整数商
- Function QUOTIENT returns the integer portion of numerator/denumerator. QUOTIENT函数返回分子/分母的整数部分。
- A real number that is the quotient of an integer divided by an integer other than zero. 一种实数,它是一个整数除以另一个非零整数所得的商。
- He trumpeted his son's high intelligence quotient. 他到处吹嘘他儿子的智商高。
- Designating an integer not divisible by two, such as1,3, and5. 奇数的不能被2整除的整数,如1,3和5
- Their feeling interacts to form a unitive integer. 他俩的感觉联系起来,构成了统一的整体。
- Returns the position plus or minus an integer. 返回索引值加或减一个整数后的索引位置。
- The result is the quotient of the two operands. 结果是两个操作数的商。
- The rand() function generates a random integer. 函数的作用是:产生一个随机整数。
- The result of the division, or quotient. 除法的结果,或商。
- Think of any integer between 1 and 25. 考虑从1到25之间的任意整数。
- He gota small quotient of his father's property. 他得到了他父亲财产的一小部分。我得到一个不理想的成绩。
- Please enter a positive integer. 请输入正整数。
- He got a small quotient of his fathers property. 中文:他得到了他父亲财产的一小部分。
- EQ stands for Emotional Quotient. EQ代表情绪智商。
- The number of seconds must be an integer. 秒数必须是个整数。
- The number of traps must be an integer. 陷阱数目必须是个整数。