- That importer wishes to insure against All Risks. 那个进口商想要投保一切险。
- Our goods are very valuable, so I want insure against all risks. 我们的货物非常贵重,所以我想保全险。
- Please insure against All Risks as W.P.A. is too narrow a coverage. 请投保一切险,因为水渍险范围太窄。
- We usually insure against All Risks for 110% of the invoice value. 我们通常按发票金额的110%25投保一切险。
- As to the goods priced on CIF basis,our company will insure against ALL RISKS for 110% of invoice value. 按到岸价格成交之货,由我公司以发票价值110%25投保一切险。
- The machines are to be insured against all risks. 要给这些机器保全险。
- As to the goods priced on CIF basis, our company will insure against ALL RISKS for 110% of invoice value. 按到岸价格成交之货,由我公司以发票价值110%25投保一切险。
- As to the goods priced on CIF basis , our company will insure against All Risks for 110% of invoice value. 鉴于货物价格是在CIF基础上的,我公司将按发票金额的110%25投保一切险(一切险是一种险别)。
- Please see to it that the goods is shipped before may 15th and insure against all risk for 150% of the invoice amount. 请注意,此货要在5月15日前装运并按发票金额150%25投保一切险。
- For this shipment, our client requests you to insure against All Risks and War Risk. 对于这批货物,我方客户要求你们投保一切险和战争险。
- We insured against All Risks for 100% of the invoice value. 我们按发票金额的100%25投保了综合险。
- Are you insured against all possible risks? 你对一切可能发生的危险都投保了吗?
- Please insure the shipment for RMB 5,000 against All Risks. 请将这批货物投保综合险人民币5000元。
- We normally insure this item against All Risks and TPND. 这种货我们通常投保一切险和偷窃;提货不着险.
- Please insure the goods against all risks and war risk. 请将此货投保一切险及战争险%25
- We have insured the goods against All Risks. 我们投保的是综合险。
- This insurance policy insures us against All Risks. 本保险单为我们投保了一切险.
- We insure against all damage, accidental or otherwise. 我们的保险包括一切意外或其他损失。
- to insure against all risks 投保一切险
- We insure the consignment by our open policy No.09 against ALL Risks at 110 percent of the invoice value. 我们将这批货物投保一切险,按我方的09号预定保险单承保,按发票金额的110%25投保。