- The king signed the instrument of abdication. 国王签署了逊位的文告。
- The compass is an instrument of navigation. 罗盘是航行仪器。
- After years of dictatorship,Iraq will soon be liberated. 在遭受多年的独裁统治之后,伊拉克即将获得解放。
- The army is the major instrument of our proletarian dictatorship. 军队是无产阶级专政的主要工具。
- Sweeter than instrument of man e'er caught! 那甜美,人间的乐器是远远不如!
- Language is an instrument of power. 语言是一个权利的工具。
- And Lord make me an instrument of Your peace. 爱主,将我变成你和平的工具。
- To find some desp'rate instrument of death. 环顾着,想要找一把致人死命的凶器;
- Chinese bronze instrument of production. 中国的青铜生产工具。
- Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. 爱主,让我成为你和平的工具。
- A camera is an instrument of precision. 照相机是一种精密仪器。
- But you are the instrument of a flawless design. 但是你是一件没有瑕疵的作品。
- An instrument of torture, used to crush the foot and leg. 靴状刑具一种用来挤压脚和腿的刑具
- An instrumentalist believes that ideas are instruments of actions. 工具主义者认为思想是行为的工具。
- The trinity of dictatorship, civil war and selling out the country has always been the basis of his policy. 独裁、内战和卖国三位一体,这一贯是蒋介石方针的基本点。
- The organization he had built up eventually became the instrument of his downfall. 他创建起来的组织到头来却成为促使他倒台的根本原因了。
- The future of Iraq belongs to the Iraqi people. After years of dictatorship, Iraq will soon be liberated. 伊拉克的未来属于伊拉克人民。在遭受多年的独裁统治之后,伊拉克即将获得解放。
- We humans are merely the instruments of fate. 我们人类只不过是天命的工具。
- A few persons in Xuzhou made things so difficult for the city Party committee that it had to go "underground". What kind of dictatorship is this? 徐州有那么几个人,就把共产党的市委打入“地下”,这是什么专政?
- Circumstances are the ruler of the weak,instrument of the wise. 智者用势,弱者用于势。