- inside story transaction 内幕交易
- He did not know the inside story. 他不了解内幕。
- An Inside Story Of An Upstart II. 暴发户秘史2。
- He didn't know the inside story. 他不了解内幕。
- You don't know the inside story. 你不晓得内中的奥秘。
- He alone knows the inside story. 就他一个人知道这事的内情。
- Do not talk irresponsibly if you do not know the inside story. 不知内里的情形不要瞎说。
- Don't talk irresponsibly if you don't know the inside story. 不知内里的情形不要瞎说。
- I will send you later the inside story of the fighting with the Bismarck. 我以后再告诉你关于同“俾斯麦”号战斗的秘密情况。
- The always have startling inside stories to reveal. 他们总是又惊人的内幕披露。
- Any newspaper would pay big money to get the inside story on her marriage. 任何报纸都愿出高价购买关于她婚姻的内情。
- Recently, leaked inside story of wh some of which according to having coterie. 近日,据有圈内人透露了其中一些内幕。
- They always have startling inside stories to reveal. 他们总是有惊人的内幕披露。
- Because they always have startling inside stories to reveal. 因为这上面总是有惊人的内幕披露。
- Mr Lay's death means the full inside story of Enron's catastrophic fall may never be known. 莱的死亡意味着,导致安然公司灾难性毁灭的整个内幕,也许永远不会为人所知。
- Through studying Kelly event, we get to know that the right of knowing the inside story is a double-edge sword. 凯利事件给我们的启示是 :在资讯时代 ,知情权是一把双刃剑 ;
- Wenshang ancient city is called Zhongdu, has long historical culture and is rich incultural inside story. 东临历史名城曲阜,西接水泊梁山,北倚五岳之首泰山,地理位置优越,交通条件便利。
- Personage of the know the inside story inside course of study discloses, nominal is not represented freely free really. 业内知情人士透露,名义上的免费并不代表真的免费。
- Shaanxi national defense industry occupation Tec Xian Yang City check the area inside story! ! ! 您的位置:网站采集-网页采集技术>生活>陕西国防工业职业技术学院咸阳校区内幕!!!
- The reporter had a red-hot story. 那个记者掌握著最新消息。