- Are we to write in ink or in pencil? 我们该用钢笔写还是用铅笔写?
- A good low-tech trick to make sure that your click targets are large enough is to print the screens at actual size, ink the end of your finger with a stamp pad, and run through your scenarios at a realistic speed. 这里有一个相对原始的方法可以用来检查单击对象的尺寸是否足够大,即先把屏幕按照实际尺寸大小打印出来,在手指尖上蘸上墨水。 然后在不同情境下用真实的速度试验,单击对象。
- To cut, form, or stamp with or as if with a die. 压模切削、模锻或冲压或压模
- Are we to write in ink or in pencil ? 我们该用钢笔写还是用铅笔写?
- To punch or stamp from flat stock, especially with a die. 打孔,盖印从平模具打洞或印模,尤指用铸模盖印
- It is necessary to move an appreciable mass of ink or lead. 必须使一定数量的墨水或铅产生运动。
- Applied to the color mixing of oil ink or sensitizer. 用于油墨或感光剂的调色。
- Curing: The rapid solidification of ink or varnish by means of chemical action. 固化:用化学方法使油墨或光油速变成固体。
- Many wooden boxes are painted, and you can pick glossy ink or matte ink. 很多木盒都是油漆的,您可以用亮光漆和哑光漆。
- To forge or stamp(a metal)between dies by the force of a falling weight such as a drop hammer. 落锻借落下重量(如落锤)的力锻造冲压模具间的金属
- To forge or stamp(a metal) between dies by the force of a falling weight such as a drop hammer. 落锻借落下重量(如落锤)的力锻造冲压模具间的金属
- Discretionary investment, preserving deposit book or stamp for clients, and profit assurance are prohibited. 对客户不得有代客操作或代客保管存摺;印鉴及作获利保证.
- After checking and up to the grade,the buyer receive the goods and affix his signature or stamp his unit seal on the seller's delivery order. 验收合格后,需方收取货物并在供方出货单上签字或加盖单位印章。
- You may write in ink or pencil, but be sure not to write to your friends in red. 你可以用钢笔或铅笔,但切记不要用红笔给你的朋友写信。
- At the sound of me, men may dream or stamp their feet, At the sound of me, women may laugh or sometimes weep. What am I? 听到我的声音,男人可能做梦,或是跺跺脚。听到我的声音,女人可能笑,有时会哭。我是什么?
- Notice:Test before using.It may leave a mark on some surfaces and lift correctable ink or damage some paper. 注意:本品对某些特殊材料表面,不稳定油墨粘贴时可能留有痕迹,使用前请先测试。
- The latter is due to the ink or adhesive system of disperser excessive or improper use. 后者是由于油墨或复合胶体系里的分散助剂使用不当或过量造成的。
- Caution must be used to guard against contamination of pens and stamp pads by other. 必须采用警示,以防止其他人用钢笔或印泥玷污。
- If your ink cartridge is running out of ink or the cartridge is new, the lines created on the labels may be broken or light. 若您的墨水匣的墨用尽或利用新喷墨盒,标签线条或会断裂或颜色太浅。