- initiation contracture (心肌)最初收缩
- A deformity resulting from a contracture. 挛缩变形挛缩所导致的变形
- One who prepares candidates for initiation into a mystery cult. 引人入秘教者为加入神秘教会的教徒准备候选人的人
- You are to tell NO-ONE about this initiation. “你要对这次入会仪式一字不提。
- What was his initiation going to be like? 那个邀请究竟是怎么一回事呢?
- Why do you see the Light at the time of initiation? 印心的时候为什么你们看到光?
- Was that part of your initiation? 这是你加入仪式的一部分吗?
- Track initiation algorithm based on th. 修正的逻辑航迹起始算法。
- Material Quality and Crack Initiation. 原料质量、及初始裂纹的寿命。
- Please come here quickly and give me initiation! 请快快来为我印心吧!
- Triceps contracture as a cause was noted at operation. 在矫正手术中,发现引起肘关节伸展性挛缩的原因是肱三肌挛缩。
- Desire, initiation of life fancy. 欲望,引发生活想象。
- The results leaded to scar contracture and anastomotic stenosis. 结果导致瘢痕性挛缩,吻合口狭窄。
- His dullness was due to lack of initiation. 他的迟钝是由于缺乏内行知识。
- Is one of gymnastics initiation training contents. 是体操启蒙训练的内容之一。
- She looked forward to her initiation as an adult. 她渴望长大成人。
- Earth is going through an initiation at this time. 在这个时刻地球正经历一个开始。
- Volar contracture of the finger after burn or trauma is a therapeutic problem. 因外伤或烫伤引起之手指屈曲挛缩在治疗上是个难题。
- Fasciotomy is necessary and useful to prevent the ischemic contracture. 深筋膜切开术是预防缺血性肌挛缩的重要辅助措施。
- What is meant by bilateral gluteus contracture disease? How to treat? 何谓双侧臀肌挛缩症?如何治疗?