- Provides the base implementation to reset the specified cell from a column derived from the DataGridColumn class to its initial state. 提供基实现以将从DataGridColumn类派生的列中的指定单元格重置为其初始状态。
- Instance back to the initial state. 实例返回到初始状态。
- Gets the HTML that represents the initial state of the control. 获取代表控件初始状态的HTML。
- In the Initial state field, select Read-only as the state. 在Initial state字段中,请选择Read-only作为状态。
- You can restore the settings to initial state of purchase. 默认值:你可以存储购买时最初状态的设置。
- Sets the ConfigurationElement object to its initial state. 将ConfigurationElement对象设置为其初始状态。
- This transition identifies the initial state for a new work item. 此转换确定新工作项的初始状态。
- When a thread is created and started, what is its initial state? 当一个线程被创建和开始执行,其初始状态是什么?
- A program for protocol verification which mechanically generates all states reachable from a given initial state and checks the validity of user defined conditions in each state. 验证协议的程序,它从一个给定的初始状态机械地产生出一切可以到达的状态,并且审查每一状态下用户定义的条件的有效性。
- When overridden in a derived class, sets the decoder back to its initial state. 在派生类中重写时,将解码器设置回它的初始状态。
- When overridden in a derived class, sets the encoder back to its initial state. 在派生类中重写时,将编码器设置回它的初始状态。
- Checks to see if any storage groups are in the Initializing state. 检查是否有任何存储组处于Initializing状态。
- Defines an installer that either succeeds completely or fails and leaves the computer in its initial state. 定义要么完全成功要么失败后将计算机保留在其初始状态的安装程序。
- A process in which the final state of the system is the same as the initial state is called a cyclic process. 若在一过程中,体系的终态和始态相同,则称此过程为循环过程。
- Property supports extended appearance and initial state values to apply to the control. 属性支持将扩展外观和初始状态值应用于控件。
- If the initial state of the event is nonsignaled, threads that wait on the event will block. 如果事件的初始状态是非终止状态,则等待该事件的线程将会阻止。
- Class with a Boolean value indicating whether to set the initial state to signaled. 用一个指示是否将初始状态设置为终止的布尔值初始化。
- SendResultsEnd sets SqlPipe back to the initial state in which other methods can be called. SendResultsEnd会将SqlPipe设置回初始状态,以便可以调用其他方法。
- When using a reference parameter, the initial state of the data can be used by the method. 使用引用参数时,方法可以使用数据的初始状态。
- For each block, formulae shall be given to describe unambiguously the input/output response and initial state. 每一电路模块图都应有输入/输出响应和原始状态的公式的明确说明。